- # Configuration
- CAP uses Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection for configuration injection.
- ## CAP Configs
- You can use the following methods to configure some configuration items in the CAP, for example:
- ```cs
- services.AddCap(capOptions => {
- capOptions.FailedCallback = //...
- });
- ```
- `CapOptions` provides the following configuration items::
- :---|:---|---|:------
- DefaultGroup | Default consumer group to which the subscriber belongs | string | cap.queue+{assembly name}
- SuccessedMessageExpiredAfter | Expiration date after successful message was deleted | int | 3600 seconds
- FailedCallback|Callback function when the failed message is executed. See below for details | Action | NULL
- FailedRetryInterval | Failed Retry Interval | int | 60 seconds
- FailedRetryCount | Failed RetryCount | int | 50th
- CapOptions provides a callback function for `FailedCallback` to handle failed messages. When the message fails to be sent multiple times, the CAP will mark the message state as `Failed`. The CAP has a special handler to handle this failed message. The failed message will be put back into the queue and sent to MQ. Prior to this, if `FailedCallback` has a value, this callback function will be called first to tell the client.
- The type of FailedCallback is `Action<MessageType,string,string>`. The first parameter is the message type (send or receive), the second parameter is the name of the message, and the third parameter is the content of the message.
- ## RabbitMQ Configs
- The CAP uses the CapOptions extension to implement the RabbitMQ configuration function. Therefore, the configuration of the RabbitMQ is used as follows:
- ```cs
- services.AddCap(capOptions => {
- capOptions.UseRabbitMQ(rabbitMQOption=>{
- // rabbitmq options.
- });
- });
- ```
- `RabbitMQOptions` provides related RabbitMQ configuration:
- :---|:---|---|:------
- HostName | Host Address | string | localhost
- UserName | username | string | guest
- Password | Password | string | guest
- VirtualHost | Virtual Host | string | /
- Port | Port number | int | -1
- TopicExchangeName | CAP Default Exchange Name | string | cap.default.topic
- RequestedConnectionTimeout | RabbitMQ Connection Timeout | int | 30,000 milliseconds
- SocketReadTimeout | RabbitMQ message read timeout | int | 30,000 milliseconds
- SocketWriteTimeout | RabbitMQ message write timeout | int | 30,000 milliseconds
- QueueMessageExpires | Automatic deletion of messages in queue | int | (10 days) ms
- ### Kafka Configs
- CAP adopts Kafka's configuration function to expand CapOptions, so the configuration usage for Kafka is as follows:
- ```cs
- services.AddCap(capOptions => {
- capOptions.UseKafka(kafkaOption=>{
- // kafka options.
- // kafkaOptions.MainConfig.Add("", "");
- });
- });
- ```
- `KafkaOptions` provides Kafka-related configurations. Because Kafka has more configurations, the MainConfig dictionary provided here is used to support custom configurations. You can check here to get support information for configuration items.
- [https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka/blob/master/CONFIGURATION.md](https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka/blob/master/CONFIGURATION.md)
- ### EntityFramework Configs
- If you are using Entityframework as a message persistence store, then you can customize some configuration when configuring the CAP EntityFramework configuration item.
- ```cs
- services.AddCap(x =>
- {
- x.UseEntityFramework<AppDbContext>(efOption =>
- {
- // entityframework options.
- });
- });
- ```
- Note that if you use the `UseEntityFramework` configuration item, then you do not need to reconfigure the following sections for several different database configurations. The CAP will automatically read the database configuration information used in DbContext.
- :---|:---|---|:------
- Schema | Cap table schema | string | Cap (SQL Server)
- Schema | Cap table schema | string | cap (PostgreSql)
- TableNamePrefix | Cap table name prefix | string | cap (MySql)
- ### SqlServer Configs
- Note that if you are using EntityFramewrok, you do not use this configuration item.
- CAP adopts the configuration function of SqlServer for extending CapOptions. Therefore, the configuration usage of SqlServer is as follows:
- ```cs
- services.AddCap(capOptions => {
- capOptions.UseSqlServer(sqlserverOptions => {
- // sqlserverOptions.ConnectionString
- });
- });
- ```
- :---|:---|---|:------
- Schema | Cap Table Schema | string | Cap
- ConnectionString | Database connection string | string | null
- ### MySql Configs
- Note that if you are using EntityFramewrok, you do not use this configuration item.
- CAP uses the configuration function for MySql that extends for CapOptions, so the configuration usage for MySql is as follows:
- ```cs
- services.AddCap(capOptions => {
- capOptions.UseMySql(mysqlOptions => {
- // mysqlOptions.ConnectionString
- });
- });
- ```
- :---|:---|---|:------
- TableNamePrefix | Cap table name prefix | string | cap
- ConnectionString | Database connection string | string | null
- ### PostgreSql Configs
- Note that if you are using EntityFramewrok, you do not use this configuration item.
- CAP uses PostgreSql configuration functions for CapOptions extensions, so the configuration usage for PostgreSql is as follows:
- ```c#
- services.AddCap(capOptions => {
- capOptions.UsePostgreSql(postgreOptions => {
- // postgreOptions.ConnectionString
- });
- });
- ```
- :---|:---|---|:------
- Schema | Cap table name prefix | string | cap
- ConnectionString | Database connection string | string | null