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6 years ago
5 years ago
6 years ago
5 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
5 years ago
6 years ago
5 years ago
6 years ago
add docs to master (#284) * update version to 2.4.0 * Add version options to config file. * update resource * add message version support for dashboard * add message version support for dashboard * Support using version to isolate messages. #220 * update mongo unit tests * update unit tests * update unit tests * Set default versions for consumer groups * solve the problem of issue#181 (#237) * Issue#235 (#238) * solve the problem of issue#181 * solve the problem of issue#235 * refactor * Fix the message persistence bug. #240 * using new CamelCaseNamingStrategy * update packages to .net core 2.2 * update test framework to netcoreapp2.2 * Update .travis.yml * update TargetFramework * Exclude build samples project * update version to 2.4.1 * add samples project to sln for build * update version to 2.4.2 * Fixed PostgreSql version isolation feature bug. (#256) * Fixed spelling errors * modify cap publish Message to rabbitmq slow (#261) * Startup the CAP with the BackgroundService. #265 * update samples * Fixed SQL query bug. #266 * update travis ci config * update travis ci config * adjust dashboard table column width * adjust the consumer execution time to milliseconds * update ignore * add mkdocs.yml * update version to 2.4.3 * add docs * add docs * add docs * add docs * add docs * add docs * add docs * add docs * add docs * add docs * add docs * add docs * add docs * Fix resource files * add docs * add docs * add docs * Create * add markdown extensions supports * update * add CNAME fiel * add img * update docs * Update
6 years ago
6 years ago
5 years ago
6 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
  1. # Project information
  2. site_name: CAP
  3. site_url:
  4. site_description: A distributed transaction solution in micro-service base on eventually consistency, also an eventbus with Outbox pattern.
  5. site_author: CAP Team
  6. repo_name: 'GitHub'
  7. repo_url: ''
  8. edit_uri: 'edit/master/docs/content'
  9. docs_dir: 'content'
  10. # Copyright
  11. copyright: Copyright &copy; 2017 <a href="">NCC</a>, Maintained by the <a href="/about/contact-us/#cap-team">CAP Team</a>.
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  67. nav:
  68. - Home:
  69. - Documentation:
  70. - Getting Started:
  71. - Quick Start: user-guide/en/getting-started/
  72. - Introduction: user-guide/en/getting-started/
  73. - Contributing: user-guide/en/getting-started/
  74. - CAP:
  75. - Configuration: user-guide/en/cap/
  76. - Messaging: user-guide/en/cap/
  77. - Sagas: user-guide/en/cap/
  78. - Serialization: user-guide/en/cap/
  79. - Transactions: user-guide/en/cap/
  80. - Idempotence: user-guide/en/cap/
  81. - Transports:
  82. - General: user-guide/en/transports/
  83. - RabbitMQ: user-guide/en/transports/
  84. - Apache Kafka®: user-guide/en/transports/
  85. - Azure Service Bus: user-guide/en/transports/
  86. - Amazon SQS: user-guide/en/transports/
  87. - In-Memory Queue: user-guide/en/transports/
  88. - Persistent:
  89. - General: user-guide/en/persistent/
  90. - SQL Server: user-guide/en/persistent/
  91. - MySQL: user-guide/en/persistent/
  92. - PostgreSql: user-guide/en/persistent/
  93. - MongoDB: user-guide/en/persistent/
  94. - In-Memory: user-guide/en/persistent/
  95. - Monitoring:
  96. - Dashboard: user-guide/en/monitoring/
  97. - Diagnostics: user-guide/en/monitoring/
  98. - Samples:
  99. - Github: user-guide/en/samples/
  100. - eShopOnContainers: user-guide/en/samples/
  101. - FAQ: user-guide/en/samples/
  102. - 文档(中文):
  103. - 入门:
  104. - 快速开始: user-guide/zh/getting-started/
  105. - 介绍: user-guide/zh/getting-started/
  106. - 贡献: user-guide/zh/getting-started/
  107. - CAP:
  108. - 配置: user-guide/zh/cap/
  109. - 消息: user-guide/zh/cap/
  110. - Sagas: user-guide/zh/cap/
  111. - 序列化: user-guide/zh/cap/
  112. - 运输: user-guide/zh/cap/
  113. - 幂等性: user-guide/zh/cap/
  114. - 传输:
  115. - 简介: user-guide/zh/transports/
  116. - RabbitMQ: user-guide/zh/transports/
  117. - Apache Kafka®: user-guide/zh/transports/
  118. - Azure Service Bus: user-guide/zh/transports/
  119. - Amazon SQS: user-guide/zh/transports/
  120. - In-Memory Queue: user-guide/zh/transports/
  121. - 持久化:
  122. - 简介: user-guide/zh/persistent/
  123. - SQL Server: user-guide/zh/persistent/
  124. - MySQL: user-guide/zh/persistent/
  125. - PostgreSql: user-guide/zh/persistent/
  126. - MongoDB: user-guide/zh/persistent/
  127. - In-Memory: user-guide/zh/persistent/
  128. - 监控:
  129. - Consul: user-guide/zh/monitoring/
  130. - Dashboard: user-guide/zh/monitoring/
  131. - Diagnostics: user-guide/zh/monitoring/
  132. - 健康检查: user-guide/zh/monitoring/
  133. - Metrics: user-guide/zh/monitoring/
  134. - 示例:
  135. - Github: user-guide/zh/samples/
  136. - eShopOnContainers: user-guide/zh/samples/
  137. - FAQ: user-guide/zh/samples/
  138. - About:
  139. - Contact Us: about/
  140. - Release Notes: about/
  141. - License: about/