@@ -1,15 +1,170 @@ |
# CAP |
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A .net core middleware of eventually consistent in distributed architectures, now developing... |
CAP is a library to achieve eventually consistent in distributed architectures system like SOA,MicroService. It is lightweight,easy to use and efficiently. |
## OverView |
CAP is a library that used in an ASP.NET Core project,Of Course you can ues it in ASP.NET Core with .NET Framework. |
You can think of CAP as an EventBus because it has all the features of EventBus, and CAP provides a easier way to handle the publishing and subscribing than EventBus. |
CAP has the function of Message Presistence, and it makes messages reliability when your service is restarted or down. CAP provides a Producer Service based on Microsoft DI that integrates seamlessly with your business services and supports strong consistency transactions. |
This is a diagram of the CAP working in the ASP.NET Core MicroService architecture: |
![](http://images2015.cnblogs.com/blog/250417/201706/250417-20170630143600289-1065294295.png) |
> The solid line in the figure represents the user code, and the dotted line represents the internal implementation of the CAP. |
## Getting Started |
### NuGet (Coming soon) |
You can run the following command to install the CAP in your project. |
If your Message Queue is using Kafka, you can: |
``` |
PM> Install-Package DotNetCore.CAP.Kafka |
``` |
or RabbitMQ: |
``` |
PM> Install-Package DotNetCore.CAP.RabbitMQ |
``` |
CAP provides EntityFramework as default database store extension : |
``` |
PM> Install-Package DotNetCore.CAP.EntityFrameworkCore |
``` |
### Configuration |
First,You need to config CAP in your Startup.cs: |
```cs |
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) |
{ |
...... |
services.AddDbContext<AppDbContext>(); |
services.AddCap() |
.AddEntityFrameworkStores<AppDbContext>() |
.AddKafka(x => x.Servers = "localhost:9453"); |
} |
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app) |
{ |
..... |
app.UseCap(); |
} |
``` |
### Publish |
Inject `ICapProducerService` in your Controller, then use the `ICapProducerService` to send message |
```cs |
public class PublishController : Controller |
{ |
private readonly ICapProducerService _producer; |
public PublishController(ICapProducerService producer) |
{ |
_producer = producer; |
} |
[Route("~/checkAccount")] |
public async Task<IActionResult> PublishMessage() |
{ |
//Specifies the message header and content to be sent |
await _producer.SendAsync("xxx.services.account.check", new Person { Name = "Foo", Age = 11 }); |
return Ok(); |
} |
} |
``` |
### Subscribe |
**Action Method** |
Add Attribute on Action to subscribe message: |
If you are using Kafka the Attribute is `[KafkaTopic()]`, and RabbitMQ is `[RabbitMQTopic()]` |
```cs |
public class PublishController : Controller |
{ |
private readonly ICapProducerService _producer; |
public PublishController(ICapProducerService producer) |
{ |
_producer = producer; |
} |
[NoAction] |
[KafkaTopic("xxx.services.account.check")] |
public async Task CheckReceivedMessage(Person person) |
{ |
Console.WriteLine(person.Name); |
Console.WriteLine(person.Age); |
return Task.CompletedTask; |
} |
} |
``` |
**Service Method** |
If your subscribe method is not in the Controller,then your subscribe class need to Inheritance `IConsumerService`: |
```cs |
namespace xxx.Service |
{ |
public interface ISubscriberService |
{ |
public void CheckReceivedMessage(Person person); |
} |
public class SubscriberService: ISubscriberService, IConsumerService |
{ |
[KafkaTopic("xxx.services.account.check")] |
public void CheckReceivedMessage(Person person) |
{ |
} |
} |
} |
``` |
Then inject your `ISubscriberService` class in Startup.cs |
```cs |
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) |
{ |
services.AddTransient<ISubscriberService,SubscriberService>(); |
} |
``` |
### Contribute |
## Contribute |
One of the easiest ways to contribute is to participate in discussions and discuss issues. You can also contribute by submitting pull requests with code changes. |
### License |
[MIT](https://github.com/dotnetcore/CAP/blob/master/LICENSE.txt) |