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src/DotNetCore.CAP.MySql/IMonitoringApi.MySql.cs ファイルの表示

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//// Copyright (c) .NET Core Community. All rights reserved.
//// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.

//using System;
//using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Data;
//using System.Linq;
//using Dapper;
//using DotNetCore.CAP.Dashboard;
//using DotNetCore.CAP.Dashboard.Monitoring;
//using DotNetCore.CAP.Infrastructure;
//using DotNetCore.CAP.Messages;
//using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
//using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;

//namespace DotNetCore.CAP.MySql
// internal class MySqlMonitoringApi : IMonitoringApi
// {
// private readonly IDbConnection _existingConnection = null;
// private readonly string _prefix;
// private readonly string _connectionString;

// public MySqlMonitoringApi(IOptions<MySqlOptions> options)
// {
// _prefix = options.Value.TableNamePrefix ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));
// _connectionString = options.Value.ConnectionString;
// }

// public StatisticsDto GetStatistics()
// {
// var sql = string.Format(@"
//set transaction isolation level read committed;
//select count(Id) from `{0}.published` where StatusName = N'Succeeded';
//select count(Id) from `{0}.received` where StatusName = N'Succeeded';
//select count(Id) from `{0}.published` where StatusName = N'Failed';
//select count(Id) from `{0}.received` where StatusName = N'Failed';", _prefix);

// var statistics = UseConnection(connection =>
// {
// var stats = new StatisticsDto();
// using (var multi = connection.QueryMultiple(sql))
// {
// stats.PublishedSucceeded = multi.ReadSingle<int>();
// stats.ReceivedSucceeded = multi.ReadSingle<int>();

// stats.PublishedFailed = multi.ReadSingle<int>();
// stats.ReceivedFailed = multi.ReadSingle<int>();
// }

// return stats;
// });
// return statistics;
// }

// public IDictionary<DateTime, int> HourlyFailedJobs(MessageType type)
// {
// var tableName = type == MessageType.Publish ? "published" : "received";
// return UseConnection(connection =>
// GetHourlyTimelineStats(connection, tableName, StatusName.Failed));
// }

// public IDictionary<DateTime, int> HourlySucceededJobs(MessageType type)
// {
// var tableName = type == MessageType.Publish ? "published" : "received";
// return UseConnection(connection =>
// GetHourlyTimelineStats(connection, tableName, StatusName.Succeeded));
// }

// public IList<MessageDto> Messages(MessageQueryDto queryDto)
// {
// var tableName = queryDto.MessageType == MessageType.Publish ? "published" : "received";
// var where = string.Empty;
// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryDto.StatusName))
// {
// where += " and StatusName=@StatusName";
// }

// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryDto.Name))
// {
// where += " and Name=@Name";
// }

// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryDto.Group))
// {
// where += " and `Group`=@Group";
// }

// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryDto.Content))
// {
// where += " and Content like '%@Content%'";
// }

// var sqlQuery =
// $"select * from `{_prefix}.{tableName}` where 1=1 {where} order by Added desc limit @Limit offset @Offset";

// return UseConnection(conn => conn.Query<MessageDto>(sqlQuery, new
// {
// queryDto.StatusName,
// queryDto.Group,
// queryDto.Name,
// queryDto.Content,
// Offset = queryDto.CurrentPage * queryDto.PageSize,
// Limit = queryDto.PageSize
// }).ToList());
// }

// public int PublishedFailedCount()
// {
// return UseConnection(conn => GetNumberOfMessage(conn, "published", StatusName.Failed));
// }

// public int PublishedSucceededCount()
// {
// return UseConnection(conn => GetNumberOfMessage(conn, "published", StatusName.Succeeded));
// }

// public int ReceivedFailedCount()
// {
// return UseConnection(conn => GetNumberOfMessage(conn, "received", StatusName.Failed));
// }

// public int ReceivedSucceededCount()
// {
// return UseConnection(conn => GetNumberOfMessage(conn, "received", StatusName.Succeeded));
// }

// private int GetNumberOfMessage(IDbConnection connection, string tableName, string statusName)
// {
// var sqlQuery = $"select count(Id) from `{_prefix}.{tableName}` where StatusName = @state";

// var count = connection.ExecuteScalar<int>(sqlQuery, new { state = statusName });
// return count;
// }

// private Dictionary<DateTime, int> GetHourlyTimelineStats(IDbConnection connection, string tableName,
// string statusName)
// {
// var endDate = DateTime.Now;
// var dates = new List<DateTime>();
// for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++)
// {
// dates.Add(endDate);
// endDate = endDate.AddHours(-1);
// }

// var keyMaps = dates.ToDictionary(x => x.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH"), x => x);

// return GetTimelineStats(connection, tableName, statusName, keyMaps);
// }

// private Dictionary<DateTime, int> GetTimelineStats(
// IDbConnection connection,
// string tableName,
// string statusName,
// IDictionary<string, DateTime> keyMaps)
// {
// var sqlQuery =
// $@"
//select aggr.* from (
// select date_format(`Added`,'%Y-%m-%d-%H') as `Key`,
// count(id) `Count`
// from `{_prefix}.{tableName}`
// where StatusName = @statusName
// group by date_format(`Added`,'%Y-%m-%d-%H')
//) aggr where `Key` in @keys;";

// var valuesMap = connection.Query<TimelineCounter>(
// sqlQuery,
// new { keys = keyMaps.Keys, statusName })
// .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Count);

// foreach (var key in keyMaps.Keys)
// {
// if (!valuesMap.ContainsKey(key))
// {
// valuesMap.Add(key, 0);
// }
// }

// var result = new Dictionary<DateTime, int>();
// for (var i = 0; i < keyMaps.Count; i++)
// {
// var value = valuesMap[keyMaps.ElementAt(i).Key];
// result.Add(keyMaps.ElementAt(i).Value, value);
// }

// return result;
// }

// private T UseConnection<T>(Func<IDbConnection, T> func)
// {
// IDbConnection connection = null;

// try
// {
// connection = CreateAndOpenConnection();
// return func(connection);
// }
// finally
// {
// ReleaseConnection(connection);
// }
// }

// private IDbConnection CreateAndOpenConnection()
// {
// var connection = _existingConnection ?? new MySqlConnection(_connectionString);

// if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
// {
// connection.Open();
// }

// return connection;
// }

// private bool IsExistingConnection(IDbConnection connection)
// {
// return connection != null && ReferenceEquals(connection, _existingConnection);
// }

// private void ReleaseConnection(IDbConnection connection)
// {
// if (connection != null && !IsExistingConnection(connection))
// {
// connection.Dispose();
// }
// }
// }
