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yangxiaodong hace 7 años
Se han modificado 1 ficheros con 17 adiciones y 17 borrados
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+ 17
- 17
src/DotNetCore.CAP.EntityFrameworkCore/CapPublisher.cs Ver fichero

@@ -30,64 +30,64 @@ namespace DotNetCore.CAP.EntityFrameworkCore

public Task PublishAsync(string topic, string content)
public Task PublishAsync(string name, string content)
if (topic == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(topic));
if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
if (!IsUsingEF) throw new InvalidOperationException("If you are using the EntityFramework, you need to configure the DbContextType first." +
" otherwise you need to use overloaded method with IDbConnection and IDbTransaction.");

return Publish(topic, content);
return Publish(name, content);

public Task PublishAsync<T>(string topic, T contentObj)
public Task PublishAsync<T>(string name, T contentObj)
if (topic == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(topic));
if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
if (!IsUsingEF) throw new InvalidOperationException("If you are using the EntityFramework, you need to configure the DbContextType first." +
" otherwise you need to use overloaded method with IDbConnection and IDbTransaction.");

var content = Helper.ToJson(contentObj);
return Publish(topic, content);
return Publish(name, content);

public Task PublishAsync(string topic, string content, IDbConnection dbConnection)
public Task PublishAsync(string name, string content, IDbConnection dbConnection)
if (IsUsingEF) throw new InvalidOperationException("If you are using the EntityFramework, you do not need to use this overloaded.");
if (topic == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(topic));
if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
if (dbConnection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dbConnection));

var dbTransaction = dbConnection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
return PublishWithTrans(topic, content, dbConnection, dbTransaction);
return PublishWithTrans(name, content, dbConnection, dbTransaction);

public Task PublishAsync(string topic, string content, IDbConnection dbConnection, IDbTransaction dbTransaction)
public Task PublishAsync(string name, string content, IDbConnection dbConnection, IDbTransaction dbTransaction)
if (IsUsingEF) throw new InvalidOperationException("If you are using the EntityFramework, you do not need to use this overloaded.");
if (topic == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(topic));
if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
if (dbConnection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dbConnection));
if (dbTransaction == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dbTransaction));

return PublishWithTrans(topic, content, dbConnection, dbTransaction);
return PublishWithTrans(name, content, dbConnection, dbTransaction);

private async Task Publish(string topic, string content)
private async Task Publish(string name, string content)
var connection = _dbContext.Database.GetDbConnection();
var transaction = _dbContext.Database.CurrentTransaction;
transaction = transaction ?? await _dbContext.Database.BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
var dbTransaction = transaction.GetDbTransaction();
await PublishWithTrans(topic, content, connection, dbTransaction);
await PublishWithTrans(name, content, connection, dbTransaction);

private async Task PublishWithTrans(string topic, string content, IDbConnection dbConnection, IDbTransaction dbTransaction)
private async Task PublishWithTrans(string name, string content, IDbConnection dbConnection, IDbTransaction dbTransaction)
var message = new CapPublishedMessage
Name = topic,
Name = name,
Content = content,
StatusName = StatusName.Scheduled

var sql = $"INSERT INTO {_options.Schema}.[Published] ([Id],[Added],[Content],[KeyName],[ExpiresAt],[Retries],[StatusName])VALUES(@Id,@Added,@Content,@KeyName,@ExpiresAt,@Retries,@StatusName)";
var sql = $"INSERT INTO {_options.Schema}.[Published] ([Name],[Content],[Retries],[Added],[ExpiresAt],[StatusName])VALUES(@Name,@Content,@Retries,@Added,@ExpiresAt,@StatusName)";
await dbConnection.ExecuteAsync(sql, message, transaction: dbTransaction);

