- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using FlubuCore.Context;
- using FlubuCore.IO;
- using FlubuCore.Scripting;
- using FlubuCore.Scripting.Attributes;
- namespace BuildScript
- {
- [Include("./build/BuildVersion.cs")]
- public partial class BuildScript : DefaultBuildScript
- {
- protected string ArtifactsDir => RootDirectory.CombineWith("artifacts");
- [FromArg("c|configuration")]
- public string Configuration { get; set; }
- protected BuildVersion BuildVersion { get; set; }
- protected List<FileFullPath> ProjectFiles { get; set; }
- protected List<FileFullPath> TestProjectFiles { get; set; }
- protected override void ConfigureBuildProperties(IBuildPropertiesContext context)
- {
- context.Properties.Set(BuildProps.SolutionFileName, "CAP.sln");
- context.Properties.Set(BuildProps.BuildConfiguration, string.IsNullOrEmpty(Configuration) ? "Release" : Configuration);
- }
- protected override void BeforeBuildExecution(ITaskContext context)
- {
- BuildVersion = FetchBuildVersion(context);
- TestProjectFiles = context.GetFiles(RootDirectory.CombineWith("test"), "*/*.csproj");
- ProjectFiles = context.GetFiles(RootDirectory.CombineWith("src"), "*/*.csproj");
- }
- protected override void ConfigureTargets(ITaskContext context)
- {
- var clean = context.CreateTarget("Clean")
- .SetDescription("Cleans the output of all projects in the solution.")
- .AddCoreTask(x => x.Clean()
- .AddDirectoryToClean(ArtifactsDir, true));
- var restore = context.CreateTarget("Restore")
- .SetDescription("Restores the dependencies and tools of all projects in the solution.")
- .DependsOn(clean)
- .AddCoreTask(x => x.Restore());
- var build = context.CreateTarget("Build")
- .SetDescription("Builds all projects in the solution.")
- .DependsOn(restore)
- .AddCoreTask(x => x.Build()
- .InformationalVersion(BuildVersion.VersionWithSuffix()));
- var tests = context.CreateTarget("Tests")
- .SetDescription("Runs all Cap tests.")
- .ForEach(TestProjectFiles,
- (projectFile, target) =>
- {
- target.AddCoreTask(x => x.Test()
- .Project(projectFile)
- .NoBuild());
- });
- var pack = context.CreateTarget("Pack")
- .SetDescription("Creates nuget packages for Cap.")
- .ForEach(ProjectFiles, (projectFile, target) =>
- {
- target.AddCoreTask(x => x.Pack()
- .NoBuild()
- .Project(projectFile)
- .IncludeSymbols()
- .VersionSuffix(BuildVersion.Suffix)
- .OutputDirectory(ArtifactsDir));
- });
- context.CreateTarget("Default")
- .SetDescription("Runs all targets.")
- .SetAsDefault()
- .DependsOn(clean, restore, build, tests, pack);
- }
- }
- }