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We provide the ISerializer interface to support serialization of messages. By default, json is used to serialize messages and store them in the database.

Custom Serialization

public class YourSerializer: ISerializer
    Task<TransportMessage> SerializeAsync(Message message)

    Task<Message> DeserializeAsync(TransportMessage transportMessage, Type valueType)


Then register your implemented serializer in the container:

services.AddSingleton<ISerializer, YourSerializer>();

// ---

Message Adapter (removed in v3.0)

In heterogeneous systems, sometimes you need to communicate with other systems, but other systems use message objects that may be different from CAP’s Wrapper Object. This time maybe you need to customize the message wapper.

CAP provides the IMessagePacker interface for customizing the Wrapper Object. Custom MessagePacker usually packs and unpacks the CapMessage In this process you can add your own business objects.

Usage :

class MyMessagePacker : IMessagePacker
    private readonly IContentSerializer _serializer;

    public DefaultMessagePacker(IContentSerializer serializer)
        _serializer = serializer;

    public string Pack(CapMessage obj)
        var myStructure = new
            Id = obj.Id,
            Body = obj.Content,
            Date = obj.Timestamp,
            Callback = obj.CallbackName
        return _serializer.Serialize(myStructure);

    public CapMessage UnPack(string packingMessage)
        var myStructure = _serializer.DeSerialize<MyStructure>(packingMessage);

        return new CapMessageDto
            Id = myStructure.Id,
            Timestamp = myStructure.Date,
            Content = myStructure.Body,
            CallbackName = myStructure.Callback

Next, add the custom MyMessagePacker to the service.

services.AddCap(x =>{  }).AddMessagePacker<MyMessagePacker>();