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- # Project information
- site_name: CAP
- site_url: http://cap.dotnetcore.xyz
- site_description: Project documentation with Markdown.
- site_author: CAP Team
- repo_name: 'GitHub'
- repo_url: 'https://github.com/dotnetcore/cap'
- docs_dir: 'content'
- # Copyright
- copyright: Copyright © 2017 <a href="https://github.com/dotnetcore">.NET Core Community</a>, Maintained by the <a href="/about/contact-us/#cap-team">CAP Team</a>.
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- next: 'Next'
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- - type: 'twitter'
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- nav:
- - Home: index.md
- - User Guide:
- - Getting Started: user-guide/getting-started.md
- - API Interface: user-guide/api-interface.md
- - Configuration: user-guide/configuration.md
- - Design Principle: user-guide/design.md
- - Implementation Mechanisms: user-guide/implementation.md
- - Distributed Transactions: user-guide/transaction.md
- - FAQ: user-guide/faq.md
- - 使用指南:
- - 快速开始: user-guide-cn/getting-started.md
- - API 接口: user-guide-cn/api-interface.md
- - 配置: user-guide-cn/configuration.md
- - 设计原理: user-guide-cn/design-principle.md
- - 实现: user-guide-cn/implementation.md
- - 分布式事务: user-guide-cn/transactions.md
- - FAQ: user-guide-cn/faq.md
- - About:
- - Release Notes: about/release-notes.md
- - Contributing: about/contributing.md
- - Contact Us: about/contact-us.md
- - License: about/license.md