<description>MQTTnet is a high performance .NET library for MQTT based communication. It provides a MQTT client and a MQTT server (broker).</description>
* [Server] Fixed a bug which returns wrong flag for existing sessions (thanks to @avengerstark).
* [Core] Fixed missing properties from PUBLISH packet in _MqttApplicationMessage_ (thanks to @pcbing).
* [Core] Fixed wrong encoding of PUBREL and PUBCOMP packets for MQTTv5 (thanks to @perphilipp).
* [Server] Fixed a bug which returns wrong flag for existing session in CONNACK packet (thanks to @avengerstark).
* [nuget] .NET Framework builds are now using 4.5.2 or 4.6.1 builds instead of netstandard 2.0.
<copyright>Copyright Christian Kratky 2016-2019</copyright>