<description>MQTTnet is a high performance .NET library for MQTT based communication. It provides a MQTT client and a MQTT server (broker).</description>
<releaseNotes>* [Core] Fixed some still thread blocking parts in the code (thanks to @kpreisser).
* [Core] Updated 3rd-Party packages.
* [Core] Fixed wrong packet identifier calculation (thanks to @benpittoors).
* [Core] Fixed an issue when reading the body of a package from a disconnected sender (thanks to @kpreisser).
* [Core] Fixed wrong parsing of the body length (thanks to @kpreisser).
* [Client] The client interfaces are now implementing _IDisposable_.
* [Client] The disconnected event now contains the exception which was thrown and causing the disconnect.
* [Server] Fixed an issue which lets the server block 1 second after accepting a new connection (thanks to @kpreisser).
* [Server] The server now allows managing client subscriptions.
* [Server] Added events for topic subscriptions.
<releaseNotes>* [Client] The _ManagedClient_ now has an event which is fired after a queued application message was processed (including exception).
* [Client] The _ManagedClient_ now supports unsubscribing (thanks to @lerppana)
* [Server] Fixed some minor async issues.
* [Server] Fixed wrong comparison of the topic and QoS for retained messages.
<copyright>Copyright Christian Kratky 2016-2018</copyright>
<tags>MQTT Message Queue Telemetry Transport MQTTClient MQTTServer Server MQTTBroker Broker NETStandard IoT InternetOfThings Messaging Hardware Arduino Sensor Actuator M2M ESP Smart Home Cities Automation Xamarin</tags>