namespace MQTTnet.Server.Configuration
/// Main Settings Model
public class SettingsModel
/// Set default connection timeout in seconds
public int CommunicationTimeout { get; set; } = 15;
/// Set 0 to disable connection backlogging
public int ConnectionBacklog { get; set; }
/// Enable support for persistent sessions
public bool EnablePersistentSessions { get; set; } = false;
/// Listen Settings
public TcpEndPointModel TcpEndPoint { get; set; } = new TcpEndPointModel();
/// Encryption Listen Settings
public TcpEndPointModel EncryptedTcpEndPoint { get; set; } = new TcpEndPointModel();
/// Settings for the Web Socket endpoint.
public WebSocketEndPointModel WebSocketEndPoint { get; set; } = new WebSocketEndPointModel();
/// Set limit for max pending messages per client
public int MaxPendingMessagesPerClient { get; set; } = 250;
/// The settings for retained messages.
public RetainedApplicationMessagesModel RetainedApplicationMessages { get; set; } = new RetainedApplicationMessagesModel();
/// Enables or disables the MQTTnet internal logging.
public bool EnableDebugLogging { get; set; } = false;