Christian Kratky
Christian Kratky
MQTTnet is a .NET library for MQTT based communication. It provides a MQTT client and a MQTT server (broker).
* [Server] Added an event which is fired when a client has disconnected.
* [Server] Added support for retained application messages
* [Server] Added support for saving and loading retained messages
* [Server] The client connection is now closed if sending of one pending application message has failed
* [Server] Fixed handling of _Dup_ flag (Thanks to haeberle)
* [Core] Optimized exception handling
* [Core] Mono is now also supported (Thanks to JTrotta)
* [Client] The options are now passed in _ConnectAsync_ (Breaking change! Read Wiki for examples)
* [Core] Trace class renamed to _MqttNetTrace_ (Breaking change!)
* [Client] Extended certificate validation options (Breaking change!)
* [Client] Added static certificate validation callback (NetFramework, NetStandard) / ignorable certificate errors (UniversalWindows) to _MqttTcpChannel_
Copyright Christian Kratky 2016-2017
MQTT Message Queue Telemetry Transport MQTTClient MQTTServer Server MQTTBroker Broker NETStandard IoT InternetOfThings Messaging Hardware Arduino Sensor Actuator M2M