import json def initialize(): """ This function is invoked after the script file has been loaded. It will be executed only one time. """ print("Hello World from Sample script.") def on_validate_client_connection(context): """ This function is invoked whenever a client wants to connect. It can be used to validate the connection. """ print(context) mqtt_net_server.write_shared_data(context["client_id"], {"custom_value_1": 1, "custom_value_2": True}) return if context["client_id"] != "test_client": context["result"] = "connection_refused_not_authorized" return if context["username"] != "bud spencer": context["result"] = "connection_refused_not_authorized" return if context["password_string"] != "secret": context["result"] = "connection_refused_not_authorized" print(context) def on_intercept_subscription(context): """ This function is invoked whenever a client wants to subscribe to a topic. """ print("Client '{client_id}' want's to subscribe to topic '{topic}'.".format(client_id=context["client_id"], topic=context["topic"])) def on_intercept_application_message(context): """ This function is invoked for every processed application message. It also allows modifying the message or cancel processing at all. """ client_id = context["client_id"] if client_id != None: shared_data = mqtt_net_server.read_shared_data(context["client_id"], {}) print(shared_data) if context["topic"] == "topic_with_response": json_payload = { "hello": "world", "x": 1, "y": True, "z": None } application_message = { "retain": False, "topic": "reply", "payload": json.dumps(json_payload) } mqtt_net_server.publish(application_message) print("Client '{client_id}' published topic '{topic}'.".format(client_id=context["client_id"], topic=context["topic"])) def on_client_connected(event_args): """ This function is called whenever a client has passed the validation is connected. """ print("Client '{client_id}' is now connected.".format(client_id=event_args["client_id"])) def on_client_disconnected(event_args): """ This function is called whenever a client has disconnected. """ print("Client '{client_id}' is now disconnected (type = {type}).".format(client_id=event_args["client_id"], type=event_args["type"])) def on_client_subscribed_topic(event_args): """ This function is called whenever a client has subscribed to a topic (when allowed). """ print("Client '{client_id}' has subscribed to '{topic}'.".format(client_id=event_args["client_id"], topic=event_args["topic"])) def on_client_unsubscribed_topic(event_args): """ This function is called whenever a client has unsubscribed from a topic. """ print("Client '{client_id}' has unsubscribed from '{topic}'.".format(client_id=event_args["client_id"], topic=event_args["topic"]))