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  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <package >
  3. <metadata>
  4. <id>MQTTnet</id>
  5. <version>0.0.0</version>
  6. <authors>The contributors of MQTTnet</authors>
  7. <owners>Christian Kratky</owners>
  8. <license type="file">LICENSE</license>
  9. <projectUrl>https://github.com/chkr1011/MQTTnet</projectUrl>
  10. <iconUrl>https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chkr1011/MQTTnet/master/Images/Logo_128x128.png</iconUrl>
  11. <icon>images\Logo_128x128.png</icon>
  12. <requireLicenseAcceptance>true</requireLicenseAcceptance>
  13. <description>MQTTnet is a high performance .NET library for MQTT based communication. It provides a MQTT client and a MQTT server (broker) and supports v3.1.0, v3.1.1 and v5.0.0 of the MQTT protocol.</description>
  14. <releaseNotes>
  15. * [Core] Removed IDisposable from MqttClientConnection.cs (#1284).
  16. * [Core] Improved message of timeout exception (#1302, thanks to @patagonaa).
  17. * [RpcClient] Filling response topic when using MQTTv5. (#1295, thanks to @MD-V).
  18. * [Server] Fixed 'SessionIsPresent' handling for MQTTv5 (#1300, thanks to @logicaloud).
  19. * [Server] Improved session management for MQTTv5 (#1294, thanks to @logicaloud).
  20. Git commit: $gitCommit
  21. </releaseNotes>
  22. <copyright>Copyright Christian Kratky 2016-2021</copyright>
  23. <tags>MQTT Message Queue Telemetry Transport MQTTClient MQTTServer Server MQTTBroker Broker NETStandard IoT InternetOfThings Messaging Hardware Arduino Sensor Actuator M2M ESP Smart Home Cities Automation Xamarin Blazor</tags>
  24. <dependencies>
  25. <group targetFramework="net452" />
  26. <group targetFramework="net461" />
  27. <group targetFramework="netstandard1.3">
  28. <dependency id="NETStandard.Library" version="1.6.1" />
  29. <dependency id="System.Net.Security" version="4.3.2" />
  30. <dependency id="System.Net.WebSockets" version="4.3.0" />
  31. <dependency id="System.Net.WebSockets.Client" version="4.3.2" />
  32. </group>
  33. <group targetFramework="netstandard2.0" />
  34. <group targetFramework="netstandard2.1" />
  35. <group targetFramework="netcoreapp3.1" />
  36. <group targetFramework="net5.0" />
  37. <group targetFramework="uap10.0">
  38. <dependency id="Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform" version="6.2.10" />
  39. </group>
  40. </dependencies>
  41. </metadata>
  42. <files>
  43. <!-- License -->
  44. <file src="..\LICENSE" />
  45. <!-- Images -->
  46. <file src="..\Images\Logo_128x128.png" target="images\" />
  47. <!-- .NET 5.0 -->
  48. <file src="..\Source\MQTTnet\bin\Release\net5.0\MQTTnet.*" target="lib\net5.0\" />
  49. <!-- .NET Standard 1.3 -->
  50. <file src="..\Source\MQTTnet\bin\Release\netstandard1.3\MQTTnet.*" target="lib\netstandard1.3\" />
  51. <!-- .NET Standard 2.0 -->
  52. <file src="..\Source\MQTTnet\bin\Release\netstandard2.0\MQTTnet.*" target="lib\netstandard2.0\" />
  53. <!-- .NET Standard 2.1 -->
  54. <file src="..\Source\MQTTnet\bin\Release\netstandard2.1\MQTTnet.*" target="lib\netstandard2.1\" />
  55. <!-- .NET Standard 3.1 -->
  56. <file src="..\Source\MQTTnet\bin\Release\netcoreapp3.1\MQTTnet.*" target="lib\netcoreapp3.1\" />
  57. <!-- Universal Windows -->
  58. <file src="..\Source\MQTTnet\bin\Release\uap10.0\MQTTnet.*" target="lib\uap10.0\" />
  59. <!-- .NET Framework -->
  60. <file src="..\Source\MQTTnet\bin\Release\net452\MQTTnet.*" target="lib\net452\" />
  61. <!-- .NET Framework 4.6.0 will use binaries from 4.5.2. -->
  62. <file src="..\Source\MQTTnet\bin\Release\net461\MQTTnet.*" target="lib\net461\" />
  63. <!-- Everything above .NET Framework 4.6.1 will use the binaries from 4.6.1. -->
  64. </files>
  65. </package>