- // Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
- // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
- // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Threading;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- using MQTTnet.Client;
- using MQTTnet.Diagnostics;
- using MQTTnet.Exceptions;
- using MQTTnet.Internal;
- using MQTTnet.Packets;
- using MQTTnet.Protocol;
- using MQTTnet.Server;
- using MqttClient = MQTTnet.Client.MqttClient;
- namespace MQTTnet.Extensions.ManagedClient
- {
- public sealed class ManagedMqttClient : Disposable
- {
- readonly AsyncEvent<ApplicationMessageProcessedEventArgs> _applicationMessageProcessedEvent = new AsyncEvent<ApplicationMessageProcessedEventArgs>();
- readonly AsyncEvent<ConnectingFailedEventArgs> _connectingFailedEvent = new AsyncEvent<ConnectingFailedEventArgs>();
- readonly AsyncEvent<EventArgs> _connectionStateChangedEvent = new AsyncEvent<EventArgs>();
- readonly MqttNetSourceLogger _logger;
- readonly BlockingQueue<ManagedMqttApplicationMessage> _messageQueue = new BlockingQueue<ManagedMqttApplicationMessage>();
- readonly AsyncLock _messageQueueLock = new AsyncLock();
- /// <summary>
- /// The subscriptions are managed in 2 separate buckets:
- /// <see
- /// cref="_subscriptions" />
- /// and
- /// <see
- /// cref="_unsubscriptions" />
- /// are processed during normal operation
- /// and are moved to the
- /// <see
- /// cref="_reconnectSubscriptions" />
- /// when they get processed. They can be accessed by
- /// any thread and are therefore mutex'ed.
- /// <see
- /// cref="_reconnectSubscriptions" />
- /// get sent to the broker
- /// at reconnect and are solely owned by
- /// <see
- /// cref="MaintainConnectionAsync" />
- /// .
- /// </summary>
- readonly Dictionary<string, MqttQualityOfServiceLevel> _reconnectSubscriptions = new Dictionary<string, MqttQualityOfServiceLevel>();
- readonly Dictionary<string, MqttQualityOfServiceLevel> _subscriptions = new Dictionary<string, MqttQualityOfServiceLevel>();
- readonly SemaphoreSlim _subscriptionsQueuedSignal = new SemaphoreSlim(0);
- readonly HashSet<string> _unsubscriptions = new HashSet<string>();
- CancellationTokenSource _connectionCancellationToken;
- Task _maintainConnectionTask;
- CancellationTokenSource _publishingCancellationToken;
- ManagedMqttClientStorageManager _storageManager;
- public ManagedMqttClient(MqttClient mqttClient, IMqttNetLogger logger)
- {
- InternalClient = mqttClient ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mqttClient));
- if (logger == null)
- {
- throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));
- }
- _logger = logger.WithSource(nameof(ManagedMqttClient));
- }
- public event Func<ApplicationMessageProcessedEventArgs, Task> ApplicationMessageProcessedAsync
- {
- add => _applicationMessageProcessedEvent.AddHandler(value);
- remove => _applicationMessageProcessedEvent.RemoveHandler(value);
- }
- public event Func<MqttApplicationMessageReceivedEventArgs, Task> ApplicationMessageReceivedAsync
- {
- add => InternalClient.ApplicationMessageReceivedAsync += value;
- remove => InternalClient.ApplicationMessageReceivedAsync -= value;
- }
- public event Func<EventArgs, Task> ConnectedAsync
- {
- add => InternalClient.ConnectedAsync += value;
- remove => InternalClient.ConnectedAsync -= value;
- }
- public event Func<ConnectingFailedEventArgs, Task> ConnectingFailedAsync
- {
- add => _connectingFailedEvent.AddHandler(value);
- remove => _connectingFailedEvent.RemoveHandler(value);
- }
- public event Func<EventArgs, Task> ConnectionStateChangedAsync
- {
- add => _connectionStateChangedEvent.AddHandler(value);
- remove => _connectionStateChangedEvent.RemoveHandler(value);
- }
- public event Func<EventArgs, Task> DisconnectedAsync
- {
- add => InternalClient.DisconnectedAsync += value;
- remove => InternalClient.DisconnectedAsync -= value;
- }
- public IApplicationMessageSkippedHandler ApplicationMessageSkippedHandler { get; set; }
- public MqttClient InternalClient { get; }
- public bool IsConnected => InternalClient.IsConnected;
- public bool IsStarted => _connectionCancellationToken != null;
- public ManagedMqttClientOptions Options { get; private set; }
- public int PendingApplicationMessagesCount => _messageQueue.Count;
- public ISynchronizingSubscriptionsFailedHandler SynchronizingSubscriptionsFailedHandler { get; set; }
- public async Task EnqueueAsync(MqttApplicationMessage applicationMessage)
- {
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- if (applicationMessage == null)
- {
- throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(applicationMessage));
- }
- var managedMqttApplicationMessage = new ManagedMqttApplicationMessageBuilder().WithApplicationMessage(applicationMessage);
- await EnqueueAsync(managedMqttApplicationMessage.Build()).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- public async Task EnqueueAsync(ManagedMqttApplicationMessage applicationMessage)
- {
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- if (applicationMessage == null)
- {
- throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(applicationMessage));
- }
- if (Options == null)
- {
- throw new InvalidOperationException("call StartAsync before publishing messages");
- }
- MqttTopicValidator.ThrowIfInvalid(applicationMessage.ApplicationMessage.Topic);
- ManagedMqttApplicationMessage removedMessage = null;
- ApplicationMessageSkippedEventArgs applicationMessageSkippedEventArgs = null;
- try
- {
- using (await _messageQueueLock.WaitAsync(CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false))
- {
- if (_messageQueue.Count >= Options.MaxPendingMessages)
- {
- if (Options.PendingMessagesOverflowStrategy == MqttPendingMessagesOverflowStrategy.DropNewMessage)
- {
- _logger.Verbose("Skipping publish of new application message because internal queue is full.");
- applicationMessageSkippedEventArgs = new ApplicationMessageSkippedEventArgs(applicationMessage);
- return;
- }
- if (Options.PendingMessagesOverflowStrategy == MqttPendingMessagesOverflowStrategy.DropOldestQueuedMessage)
- {
- removedMessage = _messageQueue.RemoveFirst();
- _logger.Verbose("Removed oldest application message from internal queue because it is full.");
- applicationMessageSkippedEventArgs = new ApplicationMessageSkippedEventArgs(removedMessage);
- }
- }
- _messageQueue.Enqueue(applicationMessage);
- if (_storageManager != null)
- {
- if (removedMessage != null)
- {
- await _storageManager.RemoveAsync(removedMessage).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- await _storageManager.AddAsync(applicationMessage).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- }
- }
- finally
- {
- if (applicationMessageSkippedEventArgs != null)
- {
- var applicationMessageSkippedHandler = ApplicationMessageSkippedHandler;
- if (applicationMessageSkippedHandler != null)
- {
- await applicationMessageSkippedHandler.HandleApplicationMessageSkippedAsync(applicationMessageSkippedEventArgs).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public Task PingAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- return InternalClient.PingAsync(cancellationToken);
- }
- public async Task StartAsync(ManagedMqttClientOptions options)
- {
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- if (options == null)
- {
- throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));
- }
- if (options.ClientOptions == null)
- {
- throw new ArgumentException("The client options are not set.", nameof(options));
- }
- if (!_maintainConnectionTask?.IsCompleted ?? false)
- {
- throw new InvalidOperationException("The managed client is already started.");
- }
- Options = options;
- if (options.Storage != null)
- {
- _storageManager = new ManagedMqttClientStorageManager(options.Storage);
- var messages = await _storageManager.LoadQueuedMessagesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
- foreach (var message in messages)
- {
- _messageQueue.Enqueue(message);
- }
- }
- var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
- var cancellationToken = cancellationTokenSource.Token;
- _connectionCancellationToken = cancellationTokenSource;
- _maintainConnectionTask = Task.Run(() => MaintainConnectionAsync(cancellationToken), cancellationToken);
- _maintainConnectionTask.RunInBackground(_logger);
- _logger.Info("Started");
- }
- public async Task StopAsync()
- {
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- StopPublishing();
- StopMaintainingConnection();
- _messageQueue.Clear();
- if (_maintainConnectionTask != null)
- {
- await Task.WhenAny(_maintainConnectionTask);
- _maintainConnectionTask = null;
- }
- }
- public Task SubscribeAsync(ICollection<MqttTopicFilter> topicFilters)
- {
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- if (topicFilters == null)
- {
- throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(topicFilters));
- }
- foreach (var topicFilter in topicFilters)
- {
- MqttTopicValidator.ThrowIfInvalidSubscribe(topicFilter.Topic);
- }
- lock (_subscriptions)
- {
- foreach (var topicFilter in topicFilters)
- {
- _subscriptions[topicFilter.Topic] = topicFilter.QualityOfServiceLevel;
- _unsubscriptions.Remove(topicFilter.Topic);
- }
- }
- _subscriptionsQueuedSignal.Release();
- return Task.FromResult(0);
- }
- public Task UnsubscribeAsync(ICollection<string> topics)
- {
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- if (topics == null)
- {
- throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(topics));
- }
- lock (_subscriptions)
- {
- foreach (var topic in topics)
- {
- _subscriptions.Remove(topic);
- _unsubscriptions.Add(topic);
- }
- }
- _subscriptionsQueuedSignal.Release();
- return Task.FromResult(0);
- }
- protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
- {
- if (disposing)
- {
- StopPublishing();
- StopMaintainingConnection();
- if (_maintainConnectionTask != null)
- {
- _maintainConnectionTask.GetAwaiter().GetResult();
- _maintainConnectionTask = null;
- }
- _messageQueue.Dispose();
- _messageQueueLock.Dispose();
- InternalClient.Dispose();
- _subscriptionsQueuedSignal.Dispose();
- }
- base.Dispose(disposing);
- }
- static TimeSpan GetRemainingTime(DateTime endTime)
- {
- var remainingTime = endTime - DateTime.UtcNow;
- return remainingTime < TimeSpan.Zero ? TimeSpan.Zero : remainingTime;
- }
- async Task HandleSubscriptionExceptionAsync(Exception exception)
- {
- _logger.Warning(exception, "Synchronizing subscriptions failed.");
- var synchronizingSubscriptionsFailedHandler = SynchronizingSubscriptionsFailedHandler;
- if (SynchronizingSubscriptionsFailedHandler != null)
- {
- await synchronizingSubscriptionsFailedHandler.HandleSynchronizingSubscriptionsFailedAsync(new ManagedProcessFailedEventArgs(exception)).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- }
- async Task MaintainConnectionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- try
- {
- while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
- {
- await TryMaintainConnectionAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- }
- catch (OperationCanceledException)
- {
- }
- catch (Exception exception)
- {
- _logger.Error(exception, "Error exception while maintaining connection.");
- }
- finally
- {
- if (!IsDisposed)
- {
- try
- {
- using (var disconnectTimeout = new CancellationTokenSource(Options.ClientOptions.Timeout))
- {
- await InternalClient.DisconnectAsync(new MqttClientDisconnectOptions(), disconnectTimeout.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- }
- catch (OperationCanceledException)
- {
- _logger.Warning("Timeout while sending DISCONNECT packet.");
- }
- catch (Exception exception)
- {
- _logger.Error(exception, "Error while disconnecting.");
- }
- _logger.Info("Stopped");
- }
- _reconnectSubscriptions.Clear();
- lock (_subscriptions)
- {
- _subscriptions.Clear();
- _unsubscriptions.Clear();
- }
- }
- }
- async Task PublishQueuedMessagesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- try
- {
- while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested && InternalClient.IsConnected)
- {
- // Peek at the message without dequeueing in order to prevent the
- // possibility of the queue growing beyond the configured cap.
- // Previously, messages could be re-enqueued if there was an
- // exception, and this re-enqueueing did not honor the cap.
- // Furthermore, because re-enqueueing would shuffle the order
- // of the messages, the DropOldestQueuedMessage strategy would
- // be unable to know which message is actually the oldest and would
- // instead drop the first item in the queue.
- var message = _messageQueue.PeekAndWait(cancellationToken);
- if (message == null)
- {
- continue;
- }
- cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();
- await TryPublishQueuedMessageAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- }
- catch (OperationCanceledException)
- {
- }
- catch (Exception exception)
- {
- _logger.Error(exception, "Error while publishing queued application messages.");
- }
- finally
- {
- _logger.Verbose("Stopped publishing messages.");
- }
- }
- async Task PublishReconnectSubscriptionsAsync()
- {
- _logger.Info("Publishing subscriptions at reconnect");
- try
- {
- if (_reconnectSubscriptions.Any())
- {
- var subscriptions = _reconnectSubscriptions.Select(
- i => new MqttTopicFilter
- {
- Topic = i.Key,
- QualityOfServiceLevel = i.Value
- });
- var topicFilters = new List<MqttTopicFilter>();
- foreach (var sub in subscriptions)
- {
- topicFilters.Add(sub);
- if (topicFilters.Count == Options.MaxTopicFiltersInSubscribeUnsubscribePackets)
- {
- await SendSubscribeUnsubscribe(topicFilters, null).ConfigureAwait(false);
- topicFilters.Clear();
- }
- }
- await SendSubscribeUnsubscribe(topicFilters, null).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- }
- catch (Exception exception)
- {
- await HandleSubscriptionExceptionAsync(exception).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- }
- async Task PublishSubscriptionsAsync(TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- var endTime = DateTime.UtcNow + timeout;
- while (await _subscriptionsQueuedSignal.WaitAsync(GetRemainingTime(endTime), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
- {
- List<MqttTopicFilter> subscriptions;
- HashSet<string> unsubscriptions;
- lock (_subscriptions)
- {
- subscriptions = _subscriptions.Select(
- i => new MqttTopicFilter
- {
- Topic = i.Key,
- QualityOfServiceLevel = i.Value
- })
- .ToList();
- _subscriptions.Clear();
- unsubscriptions = new HashSet<string>(_unsubscriptions);
- _unsubscriptions.Clear();
- }
- if (!subscriptions.Any() && !unsubscriptions.Any())
- {
- continue;
- }
- _logger.Verbose("Publishing {0} added and {1} removed subscriptions", subscriptions.Count, unsubscriptions.Count);
- foreach (var unsubscription in unsubscriptions)
- {
- _reconnectSubscriptions.Remove(unsubscription);
- }
- foreach (var subscription in subscriptions)
- {
- _reconnectSubscriptions[subscription.Topic] = subscription.QualityOfServiceLevel;
- }
- var addedTopicFilters = new List<MqttTopicFilter>();
- foreach (var subscription in subscriptions)
- {
- addedTopicFilters.Add(subscription);
- if (addedTopicFilters.Count == Options.MaxTopicFiltersInSubscribeUnsubscribePackets)
- {
- await SendSubscribeUnsubscribe(addedTopicFilters, null).ConfigureAwait(false);
- addedTopicFilters.Clear();
- }
- }
- await SendSubscribeUnsubscribe(addedTopicFilters, null).ConfigureAwait(false);
- var removedTopicFilters = new List<string>();
- foreach (var unSub in unsubscriptions)
- {
- removedTopicFilters.Add(unSub);
- if (removedTopicFilters.Count == Options.MaxTopicFiltersInSubscribeUnsubscribePackets)
- {
- await SendSubscribeUnsubscribe(null, removedTopicFilters).ConfigureAwait(false);
- removedTopicFilters.Clear();
- }
- }
- await SendSubscribeUnsubscribe(null, removedTopicFilters).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- }
- async Task<ReconnectionResult> ReconnectIfRequiredAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- if (InternalClient.IsConnected)
- {
- return ReconnectionResult.StillConnected;
- }
- MqttClientConnectResult connectResult = null;
- try
- {
- using (var connectTimeout = new CancellationTokenSource(Options.ClientOptions.Timeout))
- {
- connectResult = await InternalClient.ConnectAsync(Options.ClientOptions, connectTimeout.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- if (connectResult.ResultCode != MqttClientConnectResultCode.Success)
- {
- throw new MqttCommunicationException($"Client connected but server denied connection with reason '{connectResult.ResultCode}'.");
- }
- return connectResult.IsSessionPresent ? ReconnectionResult.Recovered : ReconnectionResult.Reconnected;
- }
- catch (Exception exception)
- {
- await _connectingFailedEvent.InvokeAsync(new ConnectingFailedEventArgs(connectResult, exception));
- return ReconnectionResult.NotConnected;
- }
- }
- async Task SendSubscribeUnsubscribe(List<MqttTopicFilter> addedSubscriptions, List<string> removedSubscriptions)
- {
- try
- {
- if (removedSubscriptions != null && removedSubscriptions.Any())
- {
- var unsubscribeOptionsBuilder = new MqttClientUnsubscribeOptionsBuilder();
- foreach (var removedSubscription in removedSubscriptions)
- {
- unsubscribeOptionsBuilder.WithTopicFilter(removedSubscription);
- }
- await InternalClient.UnsubscribeAsync(unsubscribeOptionsBuilder.Build()).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- if (addedSubscriptions != null && addedSubscriptions.Any())
- {
- var subscribeOptionsBuilder = new MqttClientSubscribeOptionsBuilder();
- foreach (var addedSubscription in addedSubscriptions)
- {
- subscribeOptionsBuilder.WithTopicFilter(addedSubscription);
- }
- await InternalClient.SubscribeAsync(subscribeOptionsBuilder.Build()).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- }
- catch (Exception exception)
- {
- await HandleSubscriptionExceptionAsync(exception).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- }
- void StartPublishing()
- {
- StopPublishing();
- var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
- var cancellationToken = cancellationTokenSource.Token;
- _publishingCancellationToken = cancellationTokenSource;
- Task.Run(() => PublishQueuedMessagesAsync(cancellationToken), cancellationToken).RunInBackground(_logger);
- }
- void StopMaintainingConnection()
- {
- try
- {
- _connectionCancellationToken?.Cancel(false);
- }
- finally
- {
- _connectionCancellationToken?.Dispose();
- _connectionCancellationToken = null;
- }
- }
- void StopPublishing()
- {
- try
- {
- _publishingCancellationToken?.Cancel(false);
- }
- finally
- {
- _publishingCancellationToken?.Dispose();
- _publishingCancellationToken = null;
- }
- }
- async Task TryMaintainConnectionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- try
- {
- var oldConnectionState = InternalClient.IsConnected;
- var connectionState = await ReconnectIfRequiredAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
- if (connectionState == ReconnectionResult.NotConnected)
- {
- StopPublishing();
- await Task.Delay(Options.AutoReconnectDelay, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- else if (connectionState == ReconnectionResult.Reconnected)
- {
- await PublishReconnectSubscriptionsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
- StartPublishing();
- }
- else if (connectionState == ReconnectionResult.Recovered)
- {
- StartPublishing();
- }
- else if (connectionState == ReconnectionResult.StillConnected)
- {
- await PublishSubscriptionsAsync(Options.ConnectionCheckInterval, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- if (oldConnectionState != InternalClient.IsConnected)
- {
- await _connectionStateChangedEvent.InvokeAsync(EventArgs.Empty).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- }
- catch (OperationCanceledException)
- {
- }
- catch (MqttCommunicationException exception)
- {
- _logger.Warning(exception, "Communication error while maintaining connection.");
- }
- catch (Exception exception)
- {
- _logger.Error(exception, "Error exception while maintaining connection.");
- }
- }
- async Task TryPublishQueuedMessageAsync(ManagedMqttApplicationMessage message)
- {
- Exception transmitException = null;
- try
- {
- await InternalClient.PublishAsync(message.ApplicationMessage).ConfigureAwait(false);
- using (await _messageQueueLock.WaitAsync(CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false)) //lock to avoid conflict with this.PublishAsync
- {
- // While publishing this message, this.PublishAsync could have booted this
- // message off the queue to make room for another (when using a cap
- // with the DropOldestQueuedMessage strategy). If the first item
- // in the queue is equal to this message, then it's safe to remove
- // it from the queue. If not, that means this.PublishAsync has already
- // removed it, in which case we don't want to do anything.
- _messageQueue.RemoveFirst(i => i.Id.Equals(message.Id));
- if (_storageManager != null)
- {
- await _storageManager.RemoveAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- }
- }
- catch (MqttCommunicationException exception)
- {
- transmitException = exception;
- _logger.Warning(exception, "Publishing application message ({0}) failed.", message.Id);
- if (message.ApplicationMessage.QualityOfServiceLevel == MqttQualityOfServiceLevel.AtMostOnce)
- {
- //If QoS 0, we don't want this message to stay on the queue.
- //If QoS 1 or 2, it's possible that, when using a cap, this message
- //has been booted off the queue by this.PublishAsync, in which case this
- //thread will not continue to try to publish it. While this does
- //contradict the expected behavior of QoS 1 and 2, that's also true
- //for the usage of a message queue cap, so it's still consistent
- //with prior behavior in that way.
- using (await _messageQueueLock.WaitAsync(CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false)) //lock to avoid conflict with this.PublishAsync
- {
- _messageQueue.RemoveFirst(i => i.Id.Equals(message.Id));
- if (_storageManager != null)
- {
- await _storageManager.RemoveAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- catch (Exception exception)
- {
- transmitException = exception;
- _logger.Error(exception, "Error while publishing application message ({0}).", message.Id);
- }
- finally
- {
- if (_applicationMessageProcessedEvent.HasHandlers)
- {
- var eventArgs = new ApplicationMessageProcessedEventArgs(message, transmitException);
- await _applicationMessageProcessedEvent.InvokeAsync(eventArgs).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }