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JanEggers a77e0b8dde spread dispose pattern 5 年前
Adapter fixed clients overlapping from one test to another by: 5 年前
Channel Expose client certificate at MQTT connection validator. Make DualMode optional. 5 年前
Client fixed clients overlapping from one test to another by: 5 年前
Diagnostics Revert "Remove dedicated UWP builds and code." 5 年前
Exceptions Fix issues in MQTTv5 packet encoding and decoding. 5 年前
Formatter Fix serialization issue of MQTTv5 PubRec packet. 5 年前
Implementations spread dispose pattern 5 年前
Internal spread dispose pattern 5 年前
PacketDispatcher spread dispose pattern 5 年前
Packets Update docs. Add UnitTests. 5 年前
Properties Fix unit tests to allow release builds. 6 年前
Protocol Expose more properties to connection validator context. 5 年前
Server fixed clients overlapping from one test to another by: 5 年前
IApplicationMessagePublisher.cs Refactor session and connection handling in server. Fix QoS level 2 issues. 6 年前
IApplicationMessageReceiver.cs Refactor event handler namings. 5 年前
IMqttFactory.cs Refactor event handler namings. 5 年前
MQTTnet.csproj Update nugets. 5 年前
MqttApplicationMessage.cs Accept multiple SubscriptionIdentifiers for PUBLISH packets. 5 年前
MqttApplicationMessageBuilder.cs Add overload for setting message payload. 5 年前
MqttApplicationMessageExtensions.cs Reorganize solution structure. 6 年前
MqttApplicationMessageReceivedEventArgs.cs Add flag for indicating if application message processing has failed. 5 年前
MqttFactory.cs Add extension library for WebSocket4Net usage. 5 年前
TopicFilter.cs Refactor namespaces. 6 年前
TopicFilterBuilder.cs Refactor namespaces. 6 年前
codeSigningKey.pfx Reorganize solution structure. 6 年前