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13 lines
801 B

  1. param([string]$version)
  2. if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($version)) {$version = "0.0.1"}
  3. $msbuild = "MSBuild.exe"
  4. &dotnet build ..\Frameworks\MQTTnet.Netstandard\MQTTnet.Netstandard.csproj -c="Release" /p:FileVersion=$version /p:AssemblyVersion=$version
  5. &dotnet build ..\Frameworks\MQTTnet.AspNetCore\MQTTnet.AspNetCore.csproj -c="Release" /p:FileVersion=$version /p:AssemblyVersion=$version
  6. ##&$msbuild ..\Frameworks\MQTTnet.UniversalWindows\MQTTnet.UniversalWindows.csproj /t:Build /p:Configuration="Release"
  7. Remove-Item .\NuGet -Force -Recurse
  8. New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path .\NuGet
  9. .\NuGet.exe pack MQTTnet.nuspec -Verbosity detailed -Symbols -OutputDir "NuGet" -Version $version
  10. .\NuGet.exe pack MQTTnet.AspNetCore.nuspec -Verbosity detailed -Symbols -OutputDir "NuGet" -Version $version