MQTTnet is a .NET library for MQTT based communication. It provides a MQTT client and a MQTT server (broker). The implementation is based on the documentation from
- Async support
- TLS 1.2 support for client and server (but not UWP servers)
- Extensible communication channels (i.e. In-Memory, TCP, TCP+TLS, WS)
- Lightweight (only the low level implementation of MQTT, no overhead)
- Performance optimized (processing ~27.000 messages / second)*
- Interfaces included for mocking and testing
- Access to internal trace messages
- Unit tested (62+ tests)
* Tested on local machine with MQTTnet client and server running in the same process using the TCP channel. The app for verification is part of this repository and stored in /Tests/MQTTnet.TestApp.NetFramework.
- Rx support (via another project)
- Communication via TCP (+TLS) or WS (WebSocket)
Server (broker)
- List of connected clients available
- Supports connected clients with different protocol versions at the same time
- Able to publish its own messages (no loopback client required)
- Able to receive every messages (no loopback client required)
- Extensible client credential validation
- Retained messages are supported including persisting via interface methods (own implementation required)
Supported frameworks
- .NET Standard 1.3+
- .NET Core 1.1+
- .NET Core App 1.1+
- .NET Framework 4.5.2+ (x86, x64, AnyCPU)
- Universal Windows (UWP) 10.0.10240+ (x86, x64, ARM, AnyCPU)
- Mono 5.2+
Supported MQTT versions
This library is available as a nuget package:
Please find examples and the documentation at the Wiki of this repository (
If you want to contribute to this project just create a pull request.
This library is used in the following projects:
If you use this library and want to see your project here please let me know.