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2556 lines
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  1. using System;
  2. using System.Collections.Generic;
  3. using System.Text;
  4. namespace BPA.UIControl
  5. {
  6. /// <summary>
  7. /// 图标类型
  8. /// </summary>
  9. public enum IconType
  10. {
  11. #pragma warning disable CS1591 // 缺少对公共可见类型或成员的 XML 注释
  12. ArrowDownCircleFill,
  13. ArrowDownCircleLine,
  14. ArrowDownDoubleFill,
  15. ArrowDownDoubleLine,
  16. ArrowDownFill,
  17. ArrowDownLine,
  18. ArrowDownSFill,
  19. ArrowDownSLine,
  20. ArrowDropDownFill,
  21. ArrowDropDownLine,
  22. ArrowDropLeftFill,
  23. ArrowDropLeftLine,
  24. ArrowDropRightFill,
  25. ArrowDropRightLine,
  26. ArrowDropUpFill,
  27. ArrowDropUpLine,
  28. ArrowGoBackFill,
  29. ArrowGoBackLine,
  30. ArrowGoForwardFill,
  31. ArrowGoForwardLine,
  32. ArrowLeftCircleFill,
  33. ArrowLeftCircleLine,
  34. ArrowLeftDoubleFill,
  35. ArrowLeftDoubleLine,
  36. ArrowLeftDownFill,
  37. ArrowLeftDownLine,
  38. ArrowLeftFill,
  39. ArrowLeftLine,
  40. ArrowLeftRightFill,
  41. ArrowLeftRightLine,
  42. ArrowLeftSFill,
  43. ArrowLeftSLine,
  44. ArrowLeftUpFill,
  45. ArrowLeftUpLine,
  46. ArrowRightCircleFill,
  47. ArrowRightCircleLine,
  48. ArrowRightDoubleFill,
  49. ArrowRightDoubleLine,
  50. ArrowRightDownFill,
  51. ArrowRightDownLine,
  52. ArrowRightFill,
  53. ArrowRightLine,
  54. ArrowRightSFill,
  55. ArrowRightSLine,
  56. ArrowRightUpFill,
  57. ArrowRightUpLine,
  58. ArrowTurnBackFill,
  59. ArrowTurnBackLine,
  60. ArrowTurnForwardFill,
  61. ArrowTurnForwardLine,
  62. ArrowUpCircleFill,
  63. ArrowUpCircleLine,
  64. ArrowUpDoubleFill,
  65. ArrowUpDoubleLine,
  66. ArrowUpDownFill,
  67. ArrowUpDownLine,
  68. ArrowUpFill,
  69. ArrowUpLine,
  70. ArrowUpSFill,
  71. ArrowUpSLine,
  72. ContractLeftFill,
  73. ContractLeftLine,
  74. ContractLeftRightFill,
  75. ContractLeftRightLine,
  76. ContractRightFill,
  77. ContractRightLine,
  78. ContractUpDownFill,
  79. ContractUpDownLine,
  80. CornerDownLeftFill,
  81. CornerDownLeftLine,
  82. CornerDownRightFill,
  83. CornerDownRightLine,
  84. CornerLeftDownFill,
  85. CornerLeftDownLine,
  86. CornerLeftUpFill,
  87. CornerLeftUpLine,
  88. CornerRightDownFill,
  89. CornerRightDownLine,
  90. CornerRightUpFill,
  91. CornerRightUpLine,
  92. CornerUpLeftDoubleFill,
  93. CornerUpLeftDoubleLine,
  94. CornerUpLeftFill,
  95. CornerUpLeftLine,
  96. CornerUpRightDoubleFill,
  97. CornerUpRightDoubleLine,
  98. CornerUpRightFill,
  99. CornerUpRightLine,
  100. DragMove2Fill,
  101. DragMove2Line,
  102. DragMoveFill,
  103. DragMoveLine,
  104. ExpandLeftFill,
  105. ExpandLeftLine,
  106. ExpandLeftRightFill,
  107. ExpandLeftRightLine,
  108. ExpandRightFill,
  109. ExpandRightLine,
  110. ExpandUpDownFill,
  111. ExpandUpDownLine,
  112. SkipDownFill,
  113. SkipDownLine,
  114. SkipLeftFill,
  115. SkipLeftLine,
  116. SkipRightFill,
  117. SkipRightLine,
  118. SkipUpFill,
  119. SkipUpLine,
  120. AncientGateFill,
  121. AncientGateLine,
  122. AncientPavilionFill,
  123. AncientPavilionLine,
  124. BankFill,
  125. BankLine,
  126. Building2Fill,
  127. Building2Line,
  128. Building3Fill,
  129. Building3Line,
  130. Building4Fill,
  131. Building4Line,
  132. BuildingFill,
  133. BuildingLine,
  134. CommunityFill,
  135. CommunityLine,
  136. GovernmentFill,
  137. GovernmentLine,
  138. Home2Fill,
  139. Home2Line,
  140. Home3Fill,
  141. Home3Line,
  142. Home4Fill,
  143. Home4Line,
  144. Home5Fill,
  145. Home5Line,
  146. Home6Fill,
  147. Home6Line,
  148. Home7Fill,
  149. Home7Line,
  150. Home8Fill,
  151. Home8Line,
  152. HomeFill,
  153. HomeGearFill,
  154. HomeGearLine,
  155. HomeHeartFill,
  156. HomeHeartLine,
  157. HomeLine,
  158. HomeOfficeFill,
  159. HomeOfficeLine,
  160. HomeSmile2Fill,
  161. HomeSmile2Line,
  162. HomeSmileFill,
  163. HomeSmileLine,
  164. HomeWifiFill,
  165. HomeWifiLine,
  166. HospitalFill,
  167. HospitalLine,
  168. HotelFill,
  169. HotelLine,
  170. SchoolFill,
  171. SchoolLine,
  172. Store2Fill,
  173. Store2Line,
  174. Store3Fill,
  175. Store3Line,
  176. StoreFill,
  177. StoreLine,
  178. TentFill,
  179. TentLine,
  180. AdvertisementFill,
  181. AdvertisementLine,
  182. Archive2Fill,
  183. Archive2Line,
  184. ArchiveDrawerFill,
  185. ArchiveDrawerLine,
  186. ArchiveFill,
  187. ArchiveLine,
  188. AtFill,
  189. AtLine,
  190. AttachmentFill,
  191. AttachmentLine,
  192. AwardFill,
  193. AwardLine,
  194. BarChart2Fill,
  195. BarChart2Line,
  196. BarChartBoxFill,
  197. BarChartBoxLine,
  198. BarChartFill,
  199. BarChartGroupedFill,
  200. BarChartGroupedLine,
  201. BarChartHorizontalFill,
  202. BarChartHorizontalLine,
  203. BarChartLine,
  204. Bookmark2Fill,
  205. Bookmark2Line,
  206. Bookmark3Fill,
  207. Bookmark3Line,
  208. BookmarkFill,
  209. BookmarkLine,
  210. Briefcase2Fill,
  211. Briefcase2Line,
  212. Briefcase3Fill,
  213. Briefcase3Line,
  214. Briefcase4Fill,
  215. Briefcase4Line,
  216. Briefcase5Fill,
  217. Briefcase5Line,
  218. BriefcaseFill,
  219. BriefcaseLine,
  220. BubbleChartFill,
  221. BubbleChartLine,
  222. CalculatorFill,
  223. CalculatorLine,
  224. Calendar2Fill,
  225. Calendar2Line,
  226. CalendarCheckFill,
  227. CalendarCheckLine,
  228. CalendarCloseFill,
  229. CalendarCloseLine,
  230. CalendarEventFill,
  231. CalendarEventLine,
  232. CalendarFill,
  233. CalendarLine,
  234. CalendarTodoFill,
  235. CalendarTodoLine,
  236. CloudFill,
  237. CloudLine,
  238. CloudOffFill,
  239. CloudOffLine,
  240. CopyleftFill,
  241. CopyleftLine,
  242. CopyrightFill,
  243. CopyrightLine,
  244. CreativeCommonsByFill,
  245. CreativeCommonsByLine,
  246. CreativeCommonsFill,
  247. CreativeCommonsLine,
  248. CreativeCommonsNcFill,
  249. CreativeCommonsNcLine,
  250. CreativeCommonsNdFill,
  251. CreativeCommonsNdLine,
  252. CreativeCommonsSaFill,
  253. CreativeCommonsSaLine,
  254. CreativeCommonsZeroFill,
  255. CreativeCommonsZeroLine,
  256. CustomerService2Fill,
  257. CustomerService2Line,
  258. CustomerServiceFill,
  259. CustomerServiceLine,
  260. DonutChartFill,
  261. DonutChartLine,
  262. Flag2Fill,
  263. Flag2Line,
  264. FlagFill,
  265. FlagLine,
  266. GlobalFill,
  267. GlobalLine,
  268. HonourFill,
  269. HonourLine,
  270. Inbox2Fill,
  271. Inbox2Line,
  272. InboxArchiveFill,
  273. InboxArchiveLine,
  274. InboxFill,
  275. InboxLine,
  276. InboxUnarchiveFill,
  277. InboxUnarchiveLine,
  278. LineChartFill,
  279. LineChartLine,
  280. LinksFill,
  281. LinksLine,
  282. MailAddFill,
  283. MailAddLine,
  284. MailCheckFill,
  285. MailCheckLine,
  286. MailCloseFill,
  287. MailCloseLine,
  288. MailDownloadFill,
  289. MailDownloadLine,
  290. MailFill,
  291. MailForbidFill,
  292. MailForbidLine,
  293. MailLine,
  294. MailLockFill,
  295. MailLockLine,
  296. MailOpenFill,
  297. MailOpenLine,
  298. MailSendFill,
  299. MailSendLine,
  300. MailSettingsFill,
  301. MailSettingsLine,
  302. MailStarFill,
  303. MailStarLine,
  304. MailUnreadFill,
  305. MailUnreadLine,
  306. MailVolumeFill,
  307. MailVolumeLine,
  308. Medal2Fill,
  309. Medal2Line,
  310. MedalFill,
  311. MedalLine,
  312. MegaphoneFill,
  313. MegaphoneLine,
  314. PassExpiredFill,
  315. PassExpiredLine,
  316. PassPendingFill,
  317. PassPendingLine,
  318. PassValidFill,
  319. PassValidLine,
  320. PieChart2Fill,
  321. PieChart2Line,
  322. PieChartBoxFill,
  323. PieChartBoxLine,
  324. PieChartFill,
  325. PieChartLine,
  326. PresentationFill,
  327. PresentationLine,
  328. PrinterCloudFill,
  329. PrinterCloudLine,
  330. PrinterFill,
  331. PrinterLine,
  332. ProfileFill,
  333. ProfileLine,
  334. Projector2Fill,
  335. Projector2Line,
  336. ProjectorFill,
  337. ProjectorLine,
  338. RecordMailFill,
  339. RecordMailLine,
  340. RegisteredFill,
  341. RegisteredLine,
  342. ReplyAllFill,
  343. ReplyAllLine,
  344. ReplyFill,
  345. ReplyLine,
  346. SendPlane2Fill,
  347. SendPlane2Line,
  348. SendPlaneFill,
  349. SendPlaneLine,
  350. SeoFill,
  351. SeoLine,
  352. ServiceFill,
  353. ServiceLine,
  354. ShakeHandsFill,
  355. ShakeHandsLine,
  356. Slideshow2Fill,
  357. Slideshow2Line,
  358. Slideshow3Fill,
  359. Slideshow3Line,
  360. Slideshow4Fill,
  361. Slideshow4Line,
  362. SlideshowFill,
  363. SlideshowLine,
  364. StackFill,
  365. StackLine,
  366. TrademarkFill,
  367. TrademarkLine,
  368. VerifiedBadgeFill,
  369. VerifiedBadgeLine,
  370. Window2Fill,
  371. Window2Line,
  372. WindowFill,
  373. WindowLine,
  374. Chat1Fill,
  375. Chat1Line,
  376. Chat2Fill,
  377. Chat2Line,
  378. Chat3Fill,
  379. Chat3Line,
  380. Chat4Fill,
  381. Chat4Line,
  382. ChatCheckFill,
  383. ChatCheckLine,
  384. ChatDeleteFill,
  385. ChatDeleteLine,
  386. ChatDownloadFill,
  387. ChatDownloadLine,
  388. ChatFollowUpFill,
  389. ChatFollowUpLine,
  390. ChatForwardFill,
  391. ChatForwardLine,
  392. ChatHeartFill,
  393. ChatHeartLine,
  394. ChatHistoryFill,
  395. ChatHistoryLine,
  396. ChatNewFill,
  397. ChatNewLine,
  398. ChatOffFill,
  399. ChatOffLine,
  400. ChatPollFill,
  401. ChatPollLine,
  402. ChatPrivateFill,
  403. ChatPrivateLine,
  404. ChatQuoteFill,
  405. ChatQuoteLine,
  406. ChatSettingsFill,
  407. ChatSettingsLine,
  408. ChatSmile2Fill,
  409. ChatSmile2Line,
  410. ChatSmile3Fill,
  411. ChatSmile3Line,
  412. ChatSmileFill,
  413. ChatSmileLine,
  414. ChatUploadFill,
  415. ChatUploadLine,
  416. ChatVoiceFill,
  417. ChatVoiceLine,
  418. DiscussFill,
  419. DiscussLine,
  420. EmojiStickerFill,
  421. EmojiStickerLine,
  422. FeedbackFill,
  423. FeedbackLine,
  424. Message2Fill,
  425. Message2Line,
  426. Message3Fill,
  427. Message3Line,
  428. MessageFill,
  429. MessageLine,
  430. QuestionAnswerFill,
  431. QuestionAnswerLine,
  432. QuestionnaireFill,
  433. QuestionnaireLine,
  434. SpeakFill,
  435. SpeakLine,
  436. VideoChatFill,
  437. VideoChatLine,
  438. Anticlockwise2Fill,
  439. Anticlockwise2Line,
  440. AnticlockwiseFill,
  441. AnticlockwiseLine,
  442. Artboard2Fill,
  443. Artboard2Line,
  444. ArtboardFill,
  445. ArtboardLine,
  446. BallPenFill,
  447. BallPenLine,
  448. BlurOffFill,
  449. BlurOffLine,
  450. Brush2Fill,
  451. Brush2Line,
  452. Brush3Fill,
  453. Brush3Line,
  454. Brush4Fill,
  455. Brush4Line,
  456. BrushFill,
  457. BrushLine,
  458. CircleFill,
  459. CircleLine,
  460. Clockwise2Fill,
  461. Clockwise2Line,
  462. ClockwiseFill,
  463. ClockwiseLine,
  464. CollageFill,
  465. CollageLine,
  466. Compasses2Fill,
  467. Compasses2Line,
  468. CompassesFill,
  469. CompassesLine,
  470. Contrast2Fill,
  471. Contrast2Line,
  472. ContrastDrop2Fill,
  473. ContrastDrop2Line,
  474. ContrastDropFill,
  475. ContrastDropLine,
  476. ContrastFill,
  477. ContrastLine,
  478. Crop2Fill,
  479. Crop2Line,
  480. CropFill,
  481. CropLine,
  482. Crosshair2Fill,
  483. Crosshair2Line,
  484. CrosshairFill,
  485. CrosshairLine,
  486. DragDropFill,
  487. DragDropLine,
  488. DropFill,
  489. DropLine,
  490. Edit2Fill,
  491. Edit2Line,
  492. EditBoxFill,
  493. EditBoxLine,
  494. EditCircleFill,
  495. EditCircleLine,
  496. EditFill,
  497. EditLine,
  498. EraserFill,
  499. EraserLine,
  500. Focus2Fill,
  501. Focus2Line,
  502. Focus3Fill,
  503. Focus3Line,
  504. FocusFill,
  505. FocusLine,
  506. GridFill,
  507. GridLine,
  508. HammerFill,
  509. HammerLine,
  510. HexagonFill,
  511. HexagonLine,
  512. InkBottleFill,
  513. InkBottleLine,
  514. InputMethodFill,
  515. InputMethodLine,
  516. Layout2Fill,
  517. Layout2Line,
  518. Layout3Fill,
  519. Layout3Line,
  520. Layout4Fill,
  521. Layout4Line,
  522. Layout5Fill,
  523. Layout5Line,
  524. Layout6Fill,
  525. Layout6Line,
  526. LayoutBottom2Fill,
  527. LayoutBottom2Line,
  528. LayoutBottomFill,
  529. LayoutBottomLine,
  530. LayoutColumnFill,
  531. LayoutColumnLine,
  532. LayoutFill,
  533. LayoutGridFill,
  534. LayoutGridLine,
  535. LayoutLeft2Fill,
  536. LayoutLeft2Line,
  537. LayoutLeftFill,
  538. LayoutLeftLine,
  539. LayoutLine,
  540. LayoutMasonryFill,
  541. LayoutMasonryLine,
  542. LayoutRight2Fill,
  543. LayoutRight2Line,
  544. LayoutRightFill,
  545. LayoutRightLine,
  546. LayoutRowFill,
  547. LayoutRowLine,
  548. LayoutTop2Fill,
  549. LayoutTop2Line,
  550. LayoutTopFill,
  551. LayoutTopLine,
  552. MagicFill,
  553. MagicLine,
  554. MarkPenFill,
  555. MarkPenLine,
  556. MarkupFill,
  557. MarkupLine,
  558. OctagonFill,
  559. OctagonLine,
  560. PaintBrushFill,
  561. PaintBrushLine,
  562. PaintFill,
  563. PaintLine,
  564. PaletteFill,
  565. PaletteLine,
  566. PantoneFill,
  567. PantoneLine,
  568. PenNibFill,
  569. PenNibLine,
  570. PencilFill,
  571. PencilLine,
  572. PencilRuler2Fill,
  573. PencilRuler2Line,
  574. PencilRulerFill,
  575. PencilRulerLine,
  576. PentagonFill,
  577. PentagonLine,
  578. QuillPenFill,
  579. QuillPenLine,
  580. RectangleFill,
  581. RectangleLine,
  582. Ruler2Fill,
  583. Ruler2Line,
  584. RulerFill,
  585. RulerLine,
  586. Scissors2Fill,
  587. Scissors2Line,
  588. ScissorsCutFill,
  589. ScissorsCutLine,
  590. ScissorsFill,
  591. ScissorsLine,
  592. Screenshot2Fill,
  593. Screenshot2Line,
  594. ScreenshotFill,
  595. ScreenshotLine,
  596. Shape2Fill,
  597. Shape2Line,
  598. ShapeFill,
  599. ShapeLine,
  600. ShapesFill,
  601. ShapesLine,
  602. SipFill,
  603. SipLine,
  604. SliceFill,
  605. SliceLine,
  606. SquareFill,
  607. SquareLine,
  608. TBoxFill,
  609. TBoxLine,
  610. TableAltFill,
  611. TableAltLine,
  612. TableFill,
  613. TableLine,
  614. ToolsFill,
  615. ToolsLine,
  616. TriangleFill,
  617. TriangleLine,
  618. BracesFill,
  619. BracesLine,
  620. BracketsFill,
  621. BracketsLine,
  622. Bug2Fill,
  623. Bug2Line,
  624. BugFill,
  625. BugLine,
  626. CodeBoxFill,
  627. CodeBoxLine,
  628. CodeFill,
  629. CodeLine,
  630. CodeSFill,
  631. CodeSLine,
  632. CodeSSlashFill,
  633. CodeSSlashLine,
  634. CommandFill,
  635. CommandLine,
  636. Css3Fill,
  637. Css3Line,
  638. CursorFill,
  639. CursorLine,
  640. GitBranchFill,
  641. GitBranchLine,
  642. GitClosePullRequestFill,
  643. GitClosePullRequestLine,
  644. GitCommitFill,
  645. GitCommitLine,
  646. GitMergeFill,
  647. GitMergeLine,
  648. GitPullRequestFill,
  649. GitPullRequestLine,
  650. GitRepositoryCommitsFill,
  651. GitRepositoryCommitsLine,
  652. GitRepositoryFill,
  653. GitRepositoryLine,
  654. GitRepositoryPrivateFill,
  655. GitRepositoryPrivateLine,
  656. Html5Fill,
  657. Html5Line,
  658. JavascriptFill,
  659. JavascriptLine,
  660. ParenthesesFill,
  661. ParenthesesLine,
  662. TerminalBoxFill,
  663. TerminalBoxLine,
  664. TerminalFill,
  665. TerminalLine,
  666. TerminalWindowFill,
  667. TerminalWindowLine,
  668. AirplayFill,
  669. AirplayLine,
  670. BarcodeBoxFill,
  671. BarcodeBoxLine,
  672. BarcodeFill,
  673. BarcodeLine,
  674. BaseStationFill,
  675. BaseStationLine,
  676. Battery2ChargeFill,
  677. Battery2ChargeLine,
  678. Battery2Fill,
  679. Battery2Line,
  680. BatteryChargeFill,
  681. BatteryChargeLine,
  682. BatteryFill,
  683. BatteryLine,
  684. BatteryLowFill,
  685. BatteryLowLine,
  686. BatterySaverFill,
  687. BatterySaverLine,
  688. BatteryShareFill,
  689. BatteryShareLine,
  690. BluetoothConnectFill,
  691. BluetoothConnectLine,
  692. BluetoothFill,
  693. BluetoothLine,
  694. CastFill,
  695. CastLine,
  696. CellphoneFill,
  697. CellphoneLine,
  698. ComputerFill,
  699. ComputerLine,
  700. CpuFill,
  701. CpuLine,
  702. Dashboard2Fill,
  703. Dashboard2Line,
  704. Dashboard3Fill,
  705. Dashboard3Line,
  706. Database2Fill,
  707. Database2Line,
  708. DatabaseFill,
  709. DatabaseLine,
  710. DeviceFill,
  711. DeviceLine,
  712. DeviceRecoverFill,
  713. DeviceRecoverLine,
  714. DualSim1Fill,
  715. DualSim1Line,
  716. DualSim2Fill,
  717. DualSim2Line,
  718. Fingerprint2Fill,
  719. Fingerprint2Line,
  720. FingerprintFill,
  721. FingerprintLine,
  722. GamepadFill,
  723. GamepadLine,
  724. GpsFill,
  725. GpsLine,
  726. GradienterFill,
  727. GradienterLine,
  728. HardDrive2Fill,
  729. HardDrive2Line,
  730. HardDrive3Fill,
  731. HardDrive3Line,
  732. HardDriveFill,
  733. HardDriveLine,
  734. HotspotFill,
  735. HotspotLine,
  736. InstallFill,
  737. InstallLine,
  738. InstanceFill,
  739. InstanceLine,
  740. KeyboardBoxFill,
  741. KeyboardBoxLine,
  742. KeyboardFill,
  743. KeyboardLine,
  744. MacFill,
  745. MacLine,
  746. MacbookFill,
  747. MacbookLine,
  748. MouseFill,
  749. MouseLine,
  750. PhoneFill,
  751. PhoneFindFill,
  752. PhoneFindLine,
  753. PhoneLine,
  754. PhoneLockFill,
  755. PhoneLockLine,
  756. QrCodeFill,
  757. QrCodeLine,
  758. QrScan2Fill,
  759. QrScan2Line,
  760. QrScanFill,
  761. QrScanLine,
  762. RadarFill,
  763. RadarLine,
  764. RemoteControl2Fill,
  765. RemoteControl2Line,
  766. RemoteControlFill,
  767. RemoteControlLine,
  768. RestartFill,
  769. RestartLine,
  770. RfidFill,
  771. RfidLine,
  772. RotateLockFill,
  773. RotateLockLine,
  774. RouterFill,
  775. RouterLine,
  776. RssFill,
  777. RssLine,
  778. Save2Fill,
  779. Save2Line,
  780. Save3Fill,
  781. Save3Line,
  782. SaveFill,
  783. SaveLine,
  784. Scan2Fill,
  785. Scan2Line,
  786. ScanFill,
  787. ScanLine,
  788. SdCardFill,
  789. SdCardLine,
  790. SdCardMiniFill,
  791. SdCardMiniLine,
  792. SensorFill,
  793. SensorLine,
  794. ServerFill,
  795. ServerLine,
  796. ShutDownFill,
  797. ShutDownLine,
  798. SignalWifi1Fill,
  799. SignalWifi1Line,
  800. SignalWifi2Fill,
  801. SignalWifi2Line,
  802. SignalWifi3Fill,
  803. SignalWifi3Line,
  804. SignalWifiErrorFill,
  805. SignalWifiErrorLine,
  806. SignalWifiFill,
  807. SignalWifiLine,
  808. SignalWifiOffFill,
  809. SignalWifiOffLine,
  810. SimCard2Fill,
  811. SimCard2Line,
  812. SimCardFill,
  813. SimCardLine,
  814. SmartphoneFill,
  815. SmartphoneLine,
  816. TabletFill,
  817. TabletLine,
  818. Tv2Fill,
  819. Tv2Line,
  820. TvFill,
  821. TvLine,
  822. UDiskFill,
  823. UDiskLine,
  824. UninstallFill,
  825. UninstallLine,
  826. UsbFill,
  827. UsbLine,
  828. WifiFill,
  829. WifiLine,
  830. WifiOffFill,
  831. WifiOffLine,
  832. WirelessChargingFill,
  833. WirelessChargingLine,
  834. ArticleFill,
  835. ArticleLine,
  836. BillFill,
  837. BillLine,
  838. Book2Fill,
  839. Book2Line,
  840. Book3Fill,
  841. Book3Line,
  842. BookFill,
  843. BookLine,
  844. BookMarkFill,
  845. BookMarkLine,
  846. BookOpenFill,
  847. BookOpenLine,
  848. BookReadFill,
  849. BookReadLine,
  850. BookletFill,
  851. BookletLine,
  852. ClipboardFill,
  853. ClipboardLine,
  854. ContactsBook2Fill,
  855. ContactsBook2Line,
  856. ContactsBookFill,
  857. ContactsBookLine,
  858. ContactsBookUploadFill,
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  1659. Map2Fill,
  1660. Map2Line,
  1661. MapFill,
  1662. MapLine,
  1663. MapPin2Fill,
  1664. MapPin2Line,
  1665. MapPin3Fill,
  1666. MapPin3Line,
  1667. MapPin4Fill,
  1668. MapPin4Line,
  1669. MapPin5Fill,
  1670. MapPin5Line,
  1671. MapPinAddFill,
  1672. MapPinAddLine,
  1673. MapPinFill,
  1674. MapPinLine,
  1675. MapPinRangeFill,
  1676. MapPinRangeLine,
  1677. MapPinTimeFill,
  1678. MapPinTimeLine,
  1679. MapPinUserFill,
  1680. MapPinUserLine,
  1681. MotorbikeFill,
  1682. MotorbikeLine,
  1683. NavigationFill,
  1684. NavigationLine,
  1685. OilFill,
  1686. OilLine,
  1687. ParkingBoxFill,
  1688. ParkingBoxLine,
  1689. ParkingFill,
  1690. ParkingLine,
  1691. PassportFill,
  1692. PassportLine,
  1693. PinDistanceFill,
  1694. PinDistanceLine,
  1695. PlaneFill,
  1696. PlaneLine,
  1697. PlanetFill,
  1698. PlanetLine,
  1699. PoliceCarFill,
  1700. PoliceCarLine,
  1701. Pushpin2Fill,
  1702. Pushpin2Line,
  1703. PushpinFill,
  1704. PushpinLine,
  1705. Restaurant2Fill,
  1706. Restaurant2Line,
  1707. RestaurantFill,
  1708. RestaurantLine,
  1709. RidingFill,
  1710. RidingLine,
  1711. RoadMapFill,
  1712. RoadMapLine,
  1713. RoadsterFill,
  1714. RoadsterLine,
  1715. Rocket2Fill,
  1716. Rocket2Line,
  1717. RocketFill,
  1718. RocketLine,
  1719. RouteFill,
  1720. RouteLine,
  1721. RunFill,
  1722. RunLine,
  1723. SailboatFill,
  1724. SailboatLine,
  1725. Ship2Fill,
  1726. Ship2Line,
  1727. ShipFill,
  1728. ShipLine,
  1729. SignalTowerFill,
  1730. SignalTowerLine,
  1731. SpaceShipFill,
  1732. SpaceShipLine,
  1733. Steering2Fill,
  1734. Steering2Line,
  1735. SteeringFill,
  1736. SteeringLine,
  1737. SubwayFill,
  1738. SubwayLine,
  1739. SubwayWifiFill,
  1740. SubwayWifiLine,
  1741. Suitcase2Fill,
  1742. Suitcase2Line,
  1743. Suitcase3Fill,
  1744. Suitcase3Line,
  1745. SuitcaseFill,
  1746. SuitcaseLine,
  1747. TakeawayFill,
  1748. TakeawayLine,
  1749. TaxiFill,
  1750. TaxiLine,
  1751. TaxiWifiFill,
  1752. TaxiWifiLine,
  1753. TrafficLightFill,
  1754. TrafficLightLine,
  1755. TrainFill,
  1756. TrainLine,
  1757. TrainWifiFill,
  1758. TrainWifiLine,
  1759. TreasureMapFill,
  1760. TreasureMapLine,
  1761. TruckFill,
  1762. TruckLine,
  1763. UnpinFill,
  1764. UnpinLine,
  1765. WalkFill,
  1766. WalkLine,
  1767. _4kFill,
  1768. _4kLine,
  1769. AlbumFill,
  1770. AlbumLine,
  1771. AspectRatioFill,
  1772. AspectRatioLine,
  1773. BroadcastFill,
  1774. BroadcastLine,
  1775. Camera2Fill,
  1776. Camera2Line,
  1777. Camera3Fill,
  1778. Camera3Line,
  1779. CameraFill,
  1780. CameraLensFill,
  1781. CameraLensLine,
  1782. CameraLine,
  1783. CameraOffFill,
  1784. CameraOffLine,
  1785. CameraSwitchFill,
  1786. CameraSwitchLine,
  1787. ClapperboardFill,
  1788. ClapperboardLine,
  1789. ClosedCaptioningFill,
  1790. ClosedCaptioningLine,
  1791. DiscFill,
  1792. DiscLine,
  1793. DvFill,
  1794. DvLine,
  1795. DvdFill,
  1796. DvdLine,
  1797. EjectFill,
  1798. EjectLine,
  1799. EqualizerFill,
  1800. EqualizerLine,
  1801. FilmFill,
  1802. FilmLine,
  1803. Forward10Fill,
  1804. Forward10Line,
  1805. Forward15Fill,
  1806. Forward15Line,
  1807. Forward30Fill,
  1808. Forward30Line,
  1809. Forward5Fill,
  1810. Forward5Line,
  1811. FullscreenExitFill,
  1812. FullscreenExitLine,
  1813. FullscreenFill,
  1814. FullscreenLine,
  1815. GalleryFill,
  1816. GalleryLine,
  1817. GalleryUploadFill,
  1818. GalleryUploadLine,
  1819. HdFill,
  1820. HdLine,
  1821. HeadphoneFill,
  1822. HeadphoneLine,
  1823. HqFill,
  1824. HqLine,
  1825. Image2Fill,
  1826. Image2Line,
  1827. ImageAddFill,
  1828. ImageAddLine,
  1829. ImageEditFill,
  1830. ImageEditLine,
  1831. ImageFill,
  1832. ImageLine,
  1833. LandscapeFill,
  1834. LandscapeLine,
  1835. LiveFill,
  1836. LiveLine,
  1837. MemoriesFill,
  1838. MemoriesLine,
  1839. Mic2Fill,
  1840. Mic2Line,
  1841. MicFill,
  1842. MicLine,
  1843. MicOffFill,
  1844. MicOffLine,
  1845. Movie2Fill,
  1846. Movie2Line,
  1847. MovieFill,
  1848. MovieLine,
  1849. Music2Fill,
  1850. Music2Line,
  1851. MusicFill,
  1852. MusicLine,
  1853. MvFill,
  1854. MvLine,
  1855. Notification2Fill,
  1856. Notification2Line,
  1857. Notification3Fill,
  1858. Notification3Line,
  1859. Notification4Fill,
  1860. Notification4Line,
  1861. NotificationFill,
  1862. NotificationLine,
  1863. NotificationOffFill,
  1864. NotificationOffLine,
  1865. OrderPlayFill,
  1866. OrderPlayLine,
  1867. PauseCircleFill,
  1868. PauseCircleLine,
  1869. PauseFill,
  1870. PauseLine,
  1871. PauseMiniFill,
  1872. PauseMiniLine,
  1873. PhoneCameraFill,
  1874. PhoneCameraLine,
  1875. PictureInPicture2Fill,
  1876. PictureInPicture2Line,
  1877. PictureInPictureExitFill,
  1878. PictureInPictureExitLine,
  1879. PictureInPictureFill,
  1880. PictureInPictureLine,
  1881. PlayCircleFill,
  1882. PlayCircleLine,
  1883. PlayFill,
  1884. PlayLine,
  1885. PlayList2Fill,
  1886. PlayList2Line,
  1887. PlayListAddFill,
  1888. PlayListAddLine,
  1889. PlayListFill,
  1890. PlayListLine,
  1891. PlayMiniFill,
  1892. PlayMiniLine,
  1893. Polaroid2Fill,
  1894. Polaroid2Line,
  1895. PolaroidFill,
  1896. PolaroidLine,
  1897. Radio2Fill,
  1898. Radio2Line,
  1899. RadioFill,
  1900. RadioLine,
  1901. RecordCircleFill,
  1902. RecordCircleLine,
  1903. Repeat2Fill,
  1904. Repeat2Line,
  1905. RepeatFill,
  1906. RepeatLine,
  1907. RepeatOneFill,
  1908. RepeatOneLine,
  1909. Replay10Fill,
  1910. Replay10Line,
  1911. Replay15Fill,
  1912. Replay15Line,
  1913. Replay30Fill,
  1914. Replay30Line,
  1915. Replay5Fill,
  1916. Replay5Line,
  1917. RewindFill,
  1918. RewindLine,
  1919. RewindMiniFill,
  1920. RewindMiniLine,
  1921. RhythmFill,
  1922. RhythmLine,
  1923. ShuffleFill,
  1924. ShuffleLine,
  1925. SkipBackFill,
  1926. SkipBackLine,
  1927. SkipBackMiniFill,
  1928. SkipBackMiniLine,
  1929. SkipForwardFill,
  1930. SkipForwardLine,
  1931. SkipForwardMiniFill,
  1932. SkipForwardMiniLine,
  1933. SlowDownFill,
  1934. SlowDownLine,
  1935. SoundModuleFill,
  1936. SoundModuleLine,
  1937. Speaker2Fill,
  1938. Speaker2Line,
  1939. Speaker3Fill,
  1940. Speaker3Line,
  1941. SpeakerFill,
  1942. SpeakerLine,
  1943. SpeedFill,
  1944. SpeedLine,
  1945. SpeedMiniFill,
  1946. SpeedMiniLine,
  1947. SpeedUpFill,
  1948. SpeedUpLine,
  1949. StopCircleFill,
  1950. StopCircleLine,
  1951. StopFill,
  1952. StopLine,
  1953. StopMiniFill,
  1954. StopMiniLine,
  1955. SurroundSoundFill,
  1956. SurroundSoundLine,
  1957. TapeFill,
  1958. TapeLine,
  1959. VideoAddFill,
  1960. VideoAddLine,
  1961. VideoDownloadFill,
  1962. VideoDownloadLine,
  1963. VideoFill,
  1964. VideoLine,
  1965. VideoUploadFill,
  1966. VideoUploadLine,
  1967. Vidicon2Fill,
  1968. Vidicon2Line,
  1969. VidiconFill,
  1970. VidiconLine,
  1971. VoiceprintFill,
  1972. VoiceprintLine,
  1973. VolumeDownFill,
  1974. VolumeDownLine,
  1975. VolumeMuteFill,
  1976. VolumeMuteLine,
  1977. VolumeOffVibrateFill,
  1978. VolumeOffVibrateLine,
  1979. VolumeUpFill,
  1980. VolumeUpLine,
  1981. VolumeVibrateFill,
  1982. VolumeVibrateLine,
  1983. WebcamFill,
  1984. WebcamLine,
  1985. BasketballFill,
  1986. BasketballLine,
  1987. BellFill,
  1988. BellLine,
  1989. BilliardsFill,
  1990. BilliardsLine,
  1991. Box1Fill,
  1992. Box1Line,
  1993. Box2Fill,
  1994. Box2Line,
  1995. Box3Fill,
  1996. Box3Line,
  1997. BoxingFill,
  1998. BoxingLine,
  1999. CactusFill,
  2000. CactusLine,
  2001. Cake2Fill,
  2002. Cake2Line,
  2003. Cake3Fill,
  2004. Cake3Line,
  2005. CakeFill,
  2006. CakeLine,
  2007. CandleFill,
  2008. CandleLine,
  2009. CharacterRecognitionFill,
  2010. CharacterRecognitionLine,
  2011. CrossFill,
  2012. CrossLine,
  2013. DoorClosedFill,
  2014. DoorClosedLine,
  2015. DoorFill,
  2016. DoorLine,
  2017. DoorLockBoxFill,
  2018. DoorLockBoxLine,
  2019. DoorLockFill,
  2020. DoorLockLine,
  2021. DoorOpenFill,
  2022. DoorOpenLine,
  2023. FootballFill,
  2024. FootballLine,
  2025. FridgeFill,
  2026. FridgeLine,
  2027. GameFill,
  2028. GameLine,
  2029. GraduationCapFill,
  2030. GraduationCapLine,
  2031. HandbagFill,
  2032. HandbagLine,
  2033. InfinityFill,
  2034. InfinityLine,
  2035. Key2Fill,
  2036. Key2Line,
  2037. KeyFill,
  2038. KeyLine,
  2039. KnifeBloodFill,
  2040. KnifeBloodLine,
  2041. KnifeFill,
  2042. KnifeLine,
  2043. LeafFill,
  2044. LeafLine,
  2045. LightbulbFill,
  2046. LightbulbFlashFill,
  2047. LightbulbFlashLine,
  2048. LightbulbLine,
  2049. Outlet2Fill,
  2050. Outlet2Line,
  2051. OutletFill,
  2052. OutletLine,
  2053. PingPongFill,
  2054. PingPongLine,
  2055. PlantFill,
  2056. PlantLine,
  2057. Plug2Fill,
  2058. Plug2Line,
  2059. PlugFill,
  2060. PlugLine,
  2061. RecycleFill,
  2062. RecycleLine,
  2063. ReservedFill,
  2064. ReservedLine,
  2065. Scales2Fill,
  2066. Scales2Line,
  2067. Scales3Fill,
  2068. Scales3Line,
  2069. ScalesFill,
  2070. ScalesLine,
  2071. SeedlingFill,
  2072. SeedlingLine,
  2073. ShirtFill,
  2074. ShirtLine,
  2075. SwordFill,
  2076. SwordLine,
  2077. TShirt2Fill,
  2078. TShirt2Line,
  2079. TShirtAirFill,
  2080. TShirtAirLine,
  2081. TShirtFill,
  2082. TShirtLine,
  2083. TreeFill,
  2084. TreeLine,
  2085. UmbrellaFill,
  2086. UmbrellaLine,
  2087. VoiceRecognitionFill,
  2088. VoiceRecognitionLine,
  2089. WheelchairFill,
  2090. WheelchairLine,
  2091. AddBoxFill,
  2092. AddBoxLine,
  2093. AddCircleFill,
  2094. AddCircleLine,
  2095. AddFill,
  2096. AddLine,
  2097. AlarmFill,
  2098. AlarmLine,
  2099. AlarmWarningFill,
  2100. AlarmWarningLine,
  2101. AlertFill,
  2102. AlertLine,
  2103. Apps2Fill,
  2104. Apps2Line,
  2105. AppsFill,
  2106. AppsLine,
  2107. CheckDoubleFill,
  2108. CheckDoubleLine,
  2109. CheckFill,
  2110. CheckLine,
  2111. CheckboxBlankCircleFill,
  2112. CheckboxBlankCircleLine,
  2113. CheckboxBlankFill,
  2114. CheckboxBlankLine,
  2115. CheckboxCircleFill,
  2116. CheckboxCircleLine,
  2117. CheckboxFill,
  2118. CheckboxIndeterminateFill,
  2119. CheckboxIndeterminateLine,
  2120. CheckboxLine,
  2121. CheckboxMultipleBlankFill,
  2122. CheckboxMultipleBlankLine,
  2123. CheckboxMultipleFill,
  2124. CheckboxMultipleLine,
  2125. CloseCircleFill,
  2126. CloseCircleLine,
  2127. CloseFill,
  2128. CloseLine,
  2129. DashboardFill,
  2130. DashboardLine,
  2131. DeleteBack2Fill,
  2132. DeleteBack2Line,
  2133. DeleteBackFill,
  2134. DeleteBackLine,
  2135. DeleteBin2Fill,
  2136. DeleteBin2Line,
  2137. DeleteBin3Fill,
  2138. DeleteBin3Line,
  2139. DeleteBin4Fill,
  2140. DeleteBin4Line,
  2141. DeleteBin5Fill,
  2142. DeleteBin5Line,
  2143. DeleteBin6Fill,
  2144. DeleteBin6Line,
  2145. DeleteBin7Fill,
  2146. DeleteBin7Line,
  2147. DeleteBinFill,
  2148. DeleteBinLine,
  2149. DivideFill,
  2150. DivideLine,
  2151. Download2Fill,
  2152. Download2Line,
  2153. DownloadCloud2Fill,
  2154. DownloadCloud2Line,
  2155. DownloadCloudFill,
  2156. DownloadCloudLine,
  2157. DownloadFill,
  2158. DownloadLine,
  2159. EqualFill,
  2160. EqualLine,
  2161. ErrorWarningFill,
  2162. ErrorWarningLine,
  2163. ExternalLinkFill,
  2164. ExternalLinkLine,
  2165. Eye2Fill,
  2166. Eye2Line,
  2167. EyeCloseFill,
  2168. EyeCloseLine,
  2169. EyeFill,
  2170. EyeLine,
  2171. EyeOffFill,
  2172. EyeOffLine,
  2173. Filter2Fill,
  2174. Filter2Line,
  2175. Filter3Fill,
  2176. Filter3Line,
  2177. FilterFill,
  2178. FilterLine,
  2179. FilterOffFill,
  2180. FilterOffLine,
  2181. FindReplaceFill,
  2182. FindReplaceLine,
  2183. Forbid2Fill,
  2184. Forbid2Line,
  2185. ForbidFill,
  2186. ForbidLine,
  2187. FunctionFill,
  2188. FunctionLine,
  2189. HistoryFill,
  2190. HistoryLine,
  2191. Hourglass2Fill,
  2192. Hourglass2Line,
  2193. HourglassFill,
  2194. HourglassLine,
  2195. IndeterminateCircleFill,
  2196. IndeterminateCircleLine,
  2197. InformationFill,
  2198. InformationLine,
  2199. ListSettingsFill,
  2200. ListSettingsLine,
  2201. Loader2Fill,
  2202. Loader2Line,
  2203. Loader3Fill,
  2204. Loader3Line,
  2205. Loader4Fill,
  2206. Loader4Line,
  2207. Loader5Fill,
  2208. Loader5Line,
  2209. LoaderFill,
  2210. LoaderLine,
  2211. Lock2Fill,
  2212. Lock2Line,
  2213. LockFill,
  2214. LockLine,
  2215. LockPasswordFill,
  2216. LockPasswordLine,
  2217. LockUnlockFill,
  2218. LockUnlockLine,
  2219. LoginBoxFill,
  2220. LoginBoxLine,
  2221. LoginCircleFill,
  2222. LoginCircleLine,
  2223. LogoutBoxFill,
  2224. LogoutBoxLine,
  2225. LogoutBoxRFill,
  2226. LogoutBoxRLine,
  2227. LogoutCircleFill,
  2228. LogoutCircleLine,
  2229. LogoutCircleRFill,
  2230. LogoutCircleRLine,
  2231. LoopLeftFill,
  2232. LoopLeftLine,
  2233. LoopRightFill,
  2234. LoopRightLine,
  2235. Menu2Fill,
  2236. Menu2Line,
  2237. Menu3Fill,
  2238. Menu3Line,
  2239. Menu4Fill,
  2240. Menu4Line,
  2241. Menu5Fill,
  2242. Menu5Line,
  2243. MenuAddFill,
  2244. MenuAddLine,
  2245. MenuFill,
  2246. MenuFoldFill,
  2247. MenuFoldLine,
  2248. MenuLine,
  2249. MenuSearchFill,
  2250. MenuSearchLine,
  2251. MenuUnfoldFill,
  2252. MenuUnfoldLine,
  2253. More2Fill,
  2254. More2Line,
  2255. MoreFill,
  2256. MoreLine,
  2257. NotificationBadgeFill,
  2258. NotificationBadgeLine,
  2259. ProhibitedFill,
  2260. ProhibitedLine,
  2261. QuestionFill,
  2262. QuestionLine,
  2263. RadioButtonFill,
  2264. RadioButtonLine,
  2265. RefreshFill,
  2266. RefreshLine,
  2267. Search2Fill,
  2268. Search2Line,
  2269. SearchEyeFill,
  2270. SearchEyeLine,
  2271. SearchFill,
  2272. SearchLine,
  2273. Settings2Fill,
  2274. Settings2Line,
  2275. Settings3Fill,
  2276. Settings3Line,
  2277. Settings4Fill,
  2278. Settings4Line,
  2279. Settings5Fill,
  2280. Settings5Line,
  2281. Settings6Fill,
  2282. Settings6Line,
  2283. SettingsFill,
  2284. SettingsLine,
  2285. ShareBoxFill,
  2286. ShareBoxLine,
  2287. ShareCircleFill,
  2288. ShareCircleLine,
  2289. ShareFill,
  2290. ShareForward2Fill,
  2291. ShareForward2Line,
  2292. ShareForwardBoxFill,
  2293. ShareForwardBoxLine,
  2294. ShareForwardFill,
  2295. ShareForwardLine,
  2296. ShareLine,
  2297. ShieldCheckFill,
  2298. ShieldCheckLine,
  2299. ShieldCrossFill,
  2300. ShieldCrossLine,
  2301. ShieldFill,
  2302. ShieldFlashFill,
  2303. ShieldFlashLine,
  2304. ShieldKeyholeFill,
  2305. ShieldKeyholeLine,
  2306. ShieldLine,
  2307. ShieldStarFill,
  2308. ShieldStarLine,
  2309. ShieldUserFill,
  2310. ShieldUserLine,
  2311. SideBarFill,
  2312. SideBarLine,
  2313. Spam2Fill,
  2314. Spam2Line,
  2315. Spam3Fill,
  2316. Spam3Line,
  2317. SpamFill,
  2318. SpamLine,
  2319. StarFill,
  2320. StarHalfFill,
  2321. StarHalfLine,
  2322. StarHalfSFill,
  2323. StarHalfSLine,
  2324. StarLine,
  2325. StarSFill,
  2326. StarSLine,
  2327. SubtractFill,
  2328. SubtractLine,
  2329. ThumbDownFill,
  2330. ThumbDownLine,
  2331. ThumbUpFill,
  2332. ThumbUpLine,
  2333. TimeFill,
  2334. TimeLine,
  2335. Timer2Fill,
  2336. Timer2Line,
  2337. TimerFill,
  2338. TimerFlashFill,
  2339. TimerFlashLine,
  2340. TimerLine,
  2341. ToggleFill,
  2342. ToggleLine,
  2343. Upload2Fill,
  2344. Upload2Line,
  2345. UploadCloud2Fill,
  2346. UploadCloud2Line,
  2347. UploadCloudFill,
  2348. UploadCloudLine,
  2349. UploadFill,
  2350. UploadLine,
  2351. ZoomInFill,
  2352. ZoomInLine,
  2353. ZoomOutFill,
  2354. ZoomOutLine,
  2355. AccountBoxFill,
  2356. AccountBoxLine,
  2357. AccountCircleFill,
  2358. AccountCircleLine,
  2359. AccountPinBoxFill,
  2360. AccountPinBoxLine,
  2361. AccountPinCircleFill,
  2362. AccountPinCircleLine,
  2363. AdminFill,
  2364. AdminLine,
  2365. AliensFill,
  2366. AliensLine,
  2367. BearSmileFill,
  2368. BearSmileLine,
  2369. BodyScanFill,
  2370. BodyScanLine,
  2371. ContactsFill,
  2372. ContactsLine,
  2373. CriminalFill,
  2374. CriminalLine,
  2375. Emotion2Fill,
  2376. Emotion2Line,
  2377. EmotionFill,
  2378. EmotionHappyFill,
  2379. EmotionHappyLine,
  2380. EmotionLaughFill,
  2381. EmotionLaughLine,
  2382. EmotionLine,
  2383. EmotionNormalFill,
  2384. EmotionNormalLine,
  2385. EmotionSadFill,
  2386. EmotionSadLine,
  2387. EmotionUnhappyFill,
  2388. EmotionUnhappyLine,
  2389. GenderlessFill,
  2390. GenderlessLine,
  2391. Ghost2Fill,
  2392. Ghost2Line,
  2393. GhostFill,
  2394. GhostLine,
  2395. GhostSmileFill,
  2396. GhostSmileLine,
  2397. Group2Fill,
  2398. Group2Line,
  2399. GroupFill,
  2400. GroupLine,
  2401. MenFill,
  2402. MenLine,
  2403. MickeyFill,
  2404. MickeyLine,
  2405. OpenArmFill,
  2406. OpenArmLine,
  2407. ParentFill,
  2408. ParentLine,
  2409. Robot2Fill,
  2410. Robot2Line,
  2411. RobotFill,
  2412. RobotLine,
  2413. Skull2Fill,
  2414. Skull2Line,
  2415. SkullFill,
  2416. SkullLine,
  2417. SpyFill,
  2418. SpyLine,
  2419. StarSmileFill,
  2420. StarSmileLine,
  2421. TeamFill,
  2422. TeamLine,
  2423. TravestiFill,
  2424. TravestiLine,
  2425. User2Fill,
  2426. User2Line,
  2427. User3Fill,
  2428. User3Line,
  2429. User4Fill,
  2430. User4Line,
  2431. User5Fill,
  2432. User5Line,
  2433. User6Fill,
  2434. User6Line,
  2435. UserAddFill,
  2436. UserAddLine,
  2437. UserFill,
  2438. UserFollowFill,
  2439. UserFollowLine,
  2440. UserForbidFill,
  2441. UserForbidLine,
  2442. UserHeartFill,
  2443. UserHeartLine,
  2444. UserLine,
  2445. UserLocationFill,
  2446. UserLocationLine,
  2447. UserReceived2Fill,
  2448. UserReceived2Line,
  2449. UserReceivedFill,
  2450. UserReceivedLine,
  2451. UserSearchFill,
  2452. UserSearchLine,
  2453. UserSettingsFill,
  2454. UserSettingsLine,
  2455. UserShared2Fill,
  2456. UserShared2Line,
  2457. UserSharedFill,
  2458. UserSharedLine,
  2459. UserSmileFill,
  2460. UserSmileLine,
  2461. UserStarFill,
  2462. UserStarLine,
  2463. UserUnfollowFill,
  2464. UserUnfollowLine,
  2465. UserVoiceFill,
  2466. UserVoiceLine,
  2467. WomenFill,
  2468. WomenLine,
  2469. BlazeFill,
  2470. BlazeLine,
  2471. CelsiusFill,
  2472. CelsiusLine,
  2473. CloudWindyFill,
  2474. CloudWindyLine,
  2475. Cloudy2Fill,
  2476. Cloudy2Line,
  2477. CloudyFill,
  2478. CloudyLine,
  2479. DrizzleFill,
  2480. DrizzleLine,
  2481. EarthquakeFill,
  2482. EarthquakeLine,
  2483. FahrenheitFill,
  2484. FahrenheitLine,
  2485. FireFill,
  2486. FireLine,
  2487. FlashlightFill,
  2488. FlashlightLine,
  2489. FloodFill,
  2490. FloodLine,
  2491. FoggyFill,
  2492. FoggyLine,
  2493. HailFill,
  2494. HailLine,
  2495. Haze2Fill,
  2496. Haze2Line,
  2497. HazeFill,
  2498. HazeLine,
  2499. HeavyShowersFill,
  2500. HeavyShowersLine,
  2501. MeteorFill,
  2502. MeteorLine,
  2503. MistFill,
  2504. MistLine,
  2505. MoonClearFill,
  2506. MoonClearLine,
  2507. MoonCloudyFill,
  2508. MoonCloudyLine,
  2509. MoonFill,
  2510. MoonFoggyFill,
  2511. MoonFoggyLine,
  2512. MoonLine,
  2513. RainbowFill,
  2514. RainbowLine,
  2515. RainyFill,
  2516. RainyLine,
  2517. Shining2Fill,
  2518. Shining2Line,
  2519. ShiningFill,
  2520. ShiningLine,
  2521. ShowersFill,
  2522. ShowersLine,
  2523. SnowyFill,
  2524. SnowyLine,
  2525. Sparkling2Fill,
  2526. Sparkling2Line,
  2527. SparklingFill,
  2528. SparklingLine,
  2529. SunCloudyFill,
  2530. SunCloudyLine,
  2531. SunFill,
  2532. SunFoggyFill,
  2533. SunFoggyLine,
  2534. SunLine,
  2535. TempColdFill,
  2536. TempColdLine,
  2537. TempHotFill,
  2538. TempHotLine,
  2539. ThunderstormsFill,
  2540. ThunderstormsLine,
  2541. TornadoFill,
  2542. TornadoLine,
  2543. TyphoonFill,
  2544. TyphoonLine,
  2545. WaterPercentFill,
  2546. WaterPercentLine,
  2547. WindyFill,
  2548. WindyLine,
  2549. MinimizeLine,
  2550. MaximizeLine,
  2551. RestoreLine,
  2552. #pragma warning restore CS1591 // 缺少对公共可见类型或成员的 XML 注释
  2553. }
  2554. }